Holy Crap, they got the FLDS's #2 - informal discussion on YFZ Ranch

Nov 25, 2008 10:15

(Not necessarily book related, but relevant to previous posts here on polygamy and its adherents.)

Merrill Jessop, the right hand man to Warren Jeffs was arrested last night, released on bail, but still. If you read Escaped by Carolyn Jessop, that's her former husband. Also, those v. disturbing pictures I posted a while back with Warren Jeffs' 12 year old wife (purple prairie dress) and he's holding her and kissing her? That's Merrill's daughter with Barbara. ...which is why he's most likely #2. GROSS.

They also got the guy that tried to run off with a computer, which contained data files of every single marriage, birth, etc. So, you know... PROOF. There's a great story about that, which I'm not at liberty to talk about now. Once these suckers get their day in court, we're going to have fun you (all) and me.

It's disturbing to me to read the same report over on the SLC Trib's paper. They use completely different language "prohibited marriage" and "he's a member of the sect's priesthood council." The Jessops filed a suit against the State of Utah (? Not Texas? you're darn tootin' you didn't, because you'd never get anywhere) claiming that this search and seizure is costing the community it's basic beliefs, damaging its spirituality, and oh yeah - hurting their economy. *eye roll* Maybe if all the money didn't go into a central kitty to be doled out at the leisure of the leader, which... doesn't that sound like socialism? Anyhoo. What B.S. They should all be given access to the UEP's trust (the money that everyone hands over to The Prophet) because God Wants Them To Have It. (They even use the Doctrine and Covenants - Mormon scripture - as EVIDENCE. Um...)

If that works, then I say god wants me to be married to both Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and that my birthday becomes a national holiday. But GOD wants it, not me! They also submitted a HYMN as evidence. I'm no lawyer, but for those of you out there that are, this is crazy, right? Hymns and scriptures to underscore your point? Really??? Are we just completely laughing off "separation of church and state" now?

OT, but related, Alvin Barlow, former FLDS filed an affidavit with the government explaining his definition of what the FLDS is. Could make for interesting reading, I'm about to dive in, myself. I'll take a grain of salt with me.

polygamy, oh my heck!

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