Mar 29, 2005 20:50
I'm gonna reflect on my whole Spring Break. Well.. everything I can remember.
Friday- Skated with.. Um, I don't even remember. Turner and I guess other people. Thenn Erin came over and spent the night :) I love her. So Much <3 Then we skated alot outside @ night :)
Saturday- Erin left early cause her mom was near.. Um.. Oh yeah.. Skated haha ocne again the only person I remember is Turner. Then @ 2:30 went to Rio Grande with the J-ster. [Jordan]. It was funn :).. Then we all headed up to Wal-Mart.. Then we dropped J off @ her house. I came home.. Um. Damn I can't remember.. Maybe it's written in my LJ somewhere.. H/o. Alright haha. According to that I went to skate.. Then me & Turner walked to Reger's so I could get the shirts she said I could have butttttt she wasn't there.. Then Turner left and I had to walk home alone.. In the dark.. :( Thenn Kyle called and asked me to go over there and play Flashlight tag.. Haha, so I did.. Z was there too :P <3 He's awesome.. But yeah I was over there a couple hours.. It was cool :)
Sunday- Easter? Bobby took me & mom out to eat @ Chili's and the mall was closed soo that was gay.. But the food was really really good.. Haha Bobby's stole this one margarita shaker thing.. He's awesome. But yeah so we went to Wal Mart and Bobby got me a buncha stuff.. :) Once again, B-unit's awesome.. So yeah I came back home and Kyle wanted me over again so we all went down there and just talked.. It was me, him, eric, chase baker, and jacob woolym or something. After a couple hours we all went home and @ midnight i went nightskating with Turner & Aaron & John and John had invited Jason and Joe and it was awkward. We were out til 3 am.. Wow I was tired.
Monday- Woke up.. Kyle came by with Jacob and we went to Subway for my breakfast haha.. Came home, Sarah came over with her new digital camera :).. We took like a million pictures.. Then Cody came by for a little.. But not that long. Yeahh so me and Sarah went outside and were just bein crazy with the camera.. Then we came back and looked up ghost stuff on the computer.. Haha.. Wtf is up with orbs? if you look up "ghost videos" it says "Notice there's an ORB in the right corner!" Wtf, seriously we asked for ghosts, not orbs. It was really annoying. But anywayy yeah. Then later I drew a picture of her and we went to sleep lol.
Today- Skated with Turner and Doug for a couple hours down @ Cms and then we came up by TCBY and sktaed there for awhile.. Then Aaron called doug and him and some other people came by.. I was tired out.. I can kind of almost kickflip? I just need to raise my legs which for some reason is extremely hard for me to do. But yeahh so everyone left and me, Turner, and Aaron were just like sittin there and I wanted to go home & they came with me.. They were here awhile. Then I walked down to Subway alone cause Turner was gay and wouldn't go with me.. I bought 9 cookies lmao.. Then I ran all the way home cause I was scared. Hilary was supposed to spend the night but guess she can't. Whaatever..
Today was really crazy.. I'm like.. Really upset. Ahh. the past is soooo gay.