Mar 24, 2005 19:32
I'm on the phone with Cody : ).. He's @ the track meet.. I wish I wouldn't have quit til after this meet.. Ohh well.
Last I left off Turner had called for me to go skate.. Soo yeah I went by Subway where they were and I played Skate with Andrew and he quit cause I was beatin him so bad : ) heh. Haha.. Poor Aaron broke his board. Oh well he has a new one now. I kept tryin to kickflip but it's like the more I try, the less I can do. It pisses me off. Soo after awhile Turner and Aaron left and me and Andrew skated for a little bit.. Not long though cause he had to leave.. Soo yeah we saw Aaron had left his sweatshirt so I grabbed that and we left.
Hm.. Got home.. Sat on my ass.. Oh Oh and Reger let me use her iTunes account so I could listen to music : ) I lovee herr. Then Turner made me get LimeWire. But iTunes is better. Soo yeah fooled around with that for awhile then went to bed.. Woke up, went to school..
Math- Finished a test thing.. That's about it.
Gym- Um.. Had to play gay um.. wiffle ball or something? Haha.. Yeah.. I sucked at that. Oh well.
McLaughlin's- Talked about Battle of the Universe or whatever its called thingy
Computers- Had to look up gay tutorials online and read.. I put up a S.S. tutorial page and braided my hair over and over and and pretended to read. I was so bored.. And Denim Boy annoys me so much. urghh Im like dang stop talkin to me.. ahh he smells so bad : ( Oh & I asked Mrs Copley if I could use the bathroom and I roamed the halls for a while and Mrs. Durstein saw me and like stopped to tell me how much she didnt like my hair.. She's like "Your hair! What did you do to it?!?!" I was like "Got it dyed." She's like 'Well are you gonna get the ends cut off?!?!" I was like "Um.. no.." She's like "But look @ it!!" I was like "Yea Mrs. Durstein, sorry if you don't like it. I do." And she's like "But- but-" and I was like "I don't really care if you or anyone likes it or not.." And I walked off. I hate her.
Skills- French Braided Emily's freakishly long hair.. But that didn't work out too great.. so I like did this weird hairstyle that I invented meself. It was weird. I dunno. I felt like being social in that class yesterday. well, not really social, but Computers got me wantin to French Braid some hair. So I did.
Lunch- Sat with My Jessie and My Hilary @ our usual back table.. They're soo mean.. They left me sittin there alone and Denim Boy was comin round cleanin the tables and he was like talkin to meeee.. Then like in the table behind me, Leah's friends left her so I like ran and was like "uhhh I'm gonna sit by Leah!!" to Denim Boy and I sat with Leah and we wre like freaked out cause Denim Boy kept comin all near us.. Haha, we sit on either side of him in computers so we're both terrified of him. Then Jessie and Hilary came back laughin at me and I'm like "That was soo not cool never do that to me again.. like for real..." haha.. Ookay so we were the last ones in there and I went in the gym and sat by Cody but we had to leave like right away.. Soo yeah. Oh well.
Science- Haha.. Mr Moore kept askin my why I was smiling so much. He's like "I don't trust people who smile! I like her best (points to Hilary) cause she never smiles!" I had half a mind to point out that most of the time I'm crying in Science but whatever.. I was in a good/hyper mood. Mr Baker called me down to the detention room cause I'd forgotten to see him @ Break.. Another after school.. greaatt.. Haha oh well Mr Baker's awesome, and After School detention's fun! : ).. I took my time gettn back to class.. Later on Mr Moore gave me and Hilary strides cause we didn't have our workbooks. I was in such a good mood I was like "Thanks Mr Mooree!!!" He was like "um.. no problem.."
Spanish- Quiz. I used Kenzie's Study Guide soo I probly didn't do too horribly on it.. Oh well I don't really care if I did or not.
Social Studies- China test.. I got 1% for puttin my name on it.. Yes!.. Got all the questions wrong.. haha.. oh well. Walked around the room cause I was bored.. Read some of some weird Mystery book.. wrote "Mr Sheets is a 1,000,000 times cooler than Mrs Dursetin" on the board.. which he made me erase haha.. Then yea just sat there rest of the class tryin to sleep.
I don't remember after school... hm.. except I talked to Jordan on the phone last night and I felt really sick and i was rather upset about stuff.. But yeah I woke up this mornin @ 4:30 and got sick :\.. sigh.. Then I went back to sleep and woke up at 4:00 pm.. that's like.. 17 hours of sleep. Yeah I'm cool. Andd I been feelin nausious all day. I'm gonna have to lay down here soon.. <3