I'm going to post about my day. And then I'm going to go on a rant because I really really need one right now.
So. Today, I had "processing" for my job with Warren Consolidated Schools. I'll be working at the performing arts center whenever shows are scheduled to perform, and I'll be making $10 an hour. It was me, Paul and Chris, and then these two women that I don't think were there for the PAC, but for substitution positions or something. Anyways, we had to turn in all of our forms, watch this stupid video that just regurgitated all the stuff we had to watch on the GCN videos, and then we had to get our pictures taken for our Warren Con ID badges that we wear when we work. Then Deb [assumed supervisor?] told us that we had to get a physical within 24 hours or we couldn't get the job. And I also need to open up a bank account cause they don't mail their checks out anymore; they directly deposit it into an account. They said they could put it into my parents' accounts, but I would prefer my own so I need to get that done. So I went and got my physical. It wasn't the full-blown height, weight, etc. I just had to pee in a cup and sign some papers and I was done.
Came home and did nothing. I can't go out hardly at all this week because mom and dad need help around the house before Garrett's grad party [which is this Saturday]. I stayed home yesterday too. I went with Derek to his eye appointment cause he didn't know where the place was, but he had to bring me home right after. BUTTTT then mom comes into the computer room and tells me that actually, I CAN go out because she needs to paint the bathroom and blahblah. So I texted Derek but he didn't want to go out again and he was already laying down in bed. So I got to stay home and be bored. JFDLKJW.
Okay. So now here is my
The closer that Garrett's grad party gets, the more I'm finding that I don't want one. We have such a little family that there really isn't a point to having a graduation party.
Analysis of my family
Grandpa: He came to Garrett's actual graduation, but he lives up in Cheboygan, and he's 79, going to be 80 in October. He can't make the 5 hour trip down here twice within a couple months of each other. He might not even be around when I graduate [but I hope he is]. If he DOES come to my graduation, I'll get $100, but he won't give me more than that.
Uncle Scotty and Aunt Theresa: Came to Garrett's graduation. Will probably come to the party, but won't give him any more money than they already did. I think it was $200, but I'm probably wrong. Plus, they have to throw Brad's graduation party, cause he's graduating same as me.
Aunt Lorraine and Hunter: They aren't invited to Garrett's party so they won't be invited to mine. Hasn't sent money.
Tammy and Family: Also live in Cheboygan. Have RSVPed that they can't come. Probably won't send money.
Heather and Family: Probably won't be coming. Heather and Scott's kids are 6 and under and they also live in Cheboygan. Probably won't send money.
Uncle Jim and Toni: They spend their money on alcohol. Aren't coming to Garrett's party.
Cousin Brandy: Currently living in Florida. Doesn't even KNOW about said party.
And then, we're inviting a bunch of the neighbors over. We're only "close" if you could call it that with Bill and Donna next door, and they're only likely to hand over 50 bucks. All the other neighbors are just acquaintances, and I'll be surprised if they give money at all, and if they do, it won't be more than $50. My parents will invite the same people to my party as they do Garrett's, and if I invite my friends, they'll get me a gift, not money. And it won't be something extravagant. So I just don't see the point about having a party. I would rather my parents just get me a graduation present and call it a day. Not go through all the fuss about how much it's gonna cost for the tent and the chairs and the food and the decorations. It's just too much of a bother.
My dad has been yelling at me A LOT this week because of things I say or do. Like last night, I found a picture that I thought was a really good pose for one of my senior pictures, and since my computer is gay and won't acknowledge a printer, I decided to send the picture to mom so she could print it out at work. I was only telling her that I had emailed her the link to the photo and dad totally blew up on me. He was like "She's busy, can't you wait until she's finished to bother her? She can't just stop what she's doing to come see what you need. BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH. Today after job processing, I told him how I needed to open a bank account, and he was like "TAYLOR! I'm busy. I have to try to get as much of this floor done as possible and I can't stop to take you to go open an account. The kitchen isn't going to be done by the party, but I want to get it as done as I can..." I don't recall asking him to take me to go open up a bank account. All I remember is telling him that I needed to do so, and he yells at me like I asked him to stop, drop and roll with me to the bank.
And this is a HUGE nuisance: since the kitchen is being renovated or whatever, it's difficult for me to get to my room. My dad has shit on the floor that's wet and can't be stepped on, and the only ways to get to my room are through the kitchen, or through the garage door or the side door. Since the kitchen is a no-go, I have to fucking go out the front door, outside and then in the garage juuuuuust to get to my room. And it's pissing me off.
My room is in the basement so it's already cold down there, but my dad has the air on like... 65 so I'm just turning into a fucking popsicle when I'm down there. And it's not much better upstairs, so it doesn't really matter where I am in my house, it's like Alaska.
My dad is in such a frenzy over the kitchen, he works on it from like...11 in the morning until midnight or a little after. Even if I wanted to go to sleep, I couldn't cause of all the noise and what not.
My bathroom downstairs is a mess because it's right under the kitchen where all the banging is occurring, and debris is falling all over the carpet and stuff. So I have to watch where I step and everything is dusty and it's just disgusting, but there's no point in cleaning it every day cause it'll just get dirty again. It's annoying.
We're still living on fast food and all of our other shit is in boxes. I don't mind the fast food cause that's what I'd be eating if I were with Derek anyways, it's just really bothersome that I can't go into a kitchen, open a cupboard and find something to munch on. That I have to go into the family room, which isn't big enough to hold our family comfortably and provides no entertainment whatsoever, dig through boxes that are cramped right next to one another in a corner and then can't find anything appetizing.
-sigh- Okay. I feel better now. If you read all of that, you're a trooper, and I appreciate it.
Things coming up on my calendar:
August 22: Registration for school, 8am.
August 23: Going to the doctor's with Derek for his follow up.
August 24: Marianne's 17th birthday [even though I don't talk to her anymore]
August 25: Garrett's Graduation Pary.
August 26: Hunter's birthday.
August 29: Jackie's 18th birthday.
August 31: 1yr 1mo anniversary; heading up to the Renaissance Festival w/Derek and his family.
September 2: Back home from Renaissance Festival
September 4: First Day of School.