This is a really strange thing to write about but here goes:
for the last few years i never wanted to have children. and in two days i have completely changed my mind.
im constantly paranoid about falling pregnant, because i dont think the pill is accurate enough.
and statistics show that 1 in 4 teenagers in my state alone fall pregnant. that is a huge number.
i also had this dream last night i had a baby.. and it had my current boyfriends eyes, and they were so gorgeous and it was.. and im sounding scary. i dont want to fuck up my life, and thats exactly what would happen if i had a baby at this particular time.
also, one of my friends is two months pregnant.. but her life was pretty much already screwed up. i dont doubt she'll be a great mother, not to mention she has support from her boyfriends whole family, she practically lives with them.
anyway. all is im trying to say is. i cant wait to have a child.
my mind has been changed.
01. Sometimes I feel like I should be dead
02. I hate fish
03. I use AIM more than MSN
04. I read my xanga subscriptions daily
05. If I was a disney princess i'd be Sleeping Beauty
06. ^ Only because I love to sleep!
07. My mother yells at me if I try to lay in bed all day
08. I'm always thirsty
09. Awww, I love puppies!
010. I like the name Beatrice
011. ^ Pfft, it's bit old fashioned
012. I want to give my kids unusual names
013. I strongly dislike sunshine
014. I was born in October
015. I still watch Sabrina the teenage witch!
016. I'd never get a tattoo
017. My belly-button is pierced
018. I am currently on a diet
019. There are more than 2 bathrooms in my house
020. Cookies!
022. I am the "problem child"
023. Why is their a mother and father's day, and no son and daughter days?
024. ^ Pisses me off!
025. I plan on doing nothing today
026. I have over 200 friends on myspace
027. ^ I'll add/accept anyone
028. ^ I'll only add/accept someone if they share the same interests etc to me
029. I hate having my period
030. I get severe PMS
032. The whole "size 0" thing makes me sick
033. Other girls have told me I'm fat when I'm really skinny
034. ^ Yeah, I hate other girls
035. I'm not dressed yet
036. I hate tourists!
037. I'm really impatient and short-tempered
038. I am completely bone-idle
040. Madonna irritates me
041. The TV is on but I'm not actually watching it
042. I'm actually dreading summer
043. I want to go back to bed
044. I watch/listen to the weather forecast so I can plan my days
045. ^ Freak
046. My cat sleeps with me at nighttime
047. ^ I wish my cat did that
048. I hate cats!
049. My mobile phone doesn't even work - the piece of crap!
050. I wear hairbands
051. I'm an Alice in Wonderland fan!
052. I have seen Disney's version of "Robin Hood"
053. I love Disney Classics
054. I blowdry my hair daily
055. I have seen the movie "Beetlejuice"
056. I think Winona Ryder is an excellent actress
057. I still cry whenever I watch Titanic!
058. ^ Never seen it
059. I can't understand people who don't like having their photo taken
060. I am in love with nature!
062. I have never played a SIMS game
063. Sometimes, I liken my friends to animals
064. My sibling/s are mean to me
065. I would happily take part in an Ouji Board experiment
066. ^ I'd be too scared
067. I have worn a wig before
068. I don't socialize that much
069. My hair falls out a lot
070. I would love to direct my own movie
I am sooo bored right now.
I wish I lived somewhere else.
I love Chamillionaire.
I HATE rap, don't even mention it around me.
I love using & instead of and.
I like using more than one exclamation mark !!
I hate the person who won American Idol this year.
I like them, but I don't think they deserved to win.
I watch Canadian Idol too!
Canada rocks!
I love going on vacation.
Puppies are adorable.
I still play the old school Nintendo.
My favourite colour is silver.
I do NOT have a Myspace.
I bet everyone's shocked now ^.
I couldn't live without my friends.
I like those big fluffy dice that people hang from their car mirror.
I am 16, and I drive.
I like answering weird, unusual questions.
I hate unoriginal surveys, unless they're good.
I know when to use 'a' and when to use 'an'.
I hate it when people say 'a apple' or something like that.
I wish I didn't eat so much junk food.
But I'm addicted.
I smoke cigarettes.
I wear hair clips.
The most beautiful thing on earth is nature.
Some people are so effen stupid, I just wanna slap them!
I DON'T swear.
ii TYPE LiiKE THiiS.
Are you crazy ^?
My favourite character from 'The Hills' is Lauren or Whitney.
I HATE Hiedi.
But I really like that name.
What are you talking about?
I hope this survey ends soon.
Lip gloss is a MUST.
Good boyfriends are hard to find
I am going into grade 12.
I want high school to be over!
I wish I could be a kid forever.
1)Why are you single?
immmmm not.
2)Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
it's a plain white t-shirt.
3)What do you think about the Jonas brothers?
shit, and i hate bands that suddenly appear to show up everywhere. mgmt for example.
4)What are you currently hearing?
washing machine.
5) When were you last outside?
abit ago.
6) What was the first thing you thought this morning?
7) Are you afraid of the dark?
8) Who was the last person you hung out with?
9) Are you currently frustrated with a boy/girl?
10) Who did you last say I love you to?
11)Whose your best friend?
12) What did you last eat?
um, noodles.
13)Are you gonna get high later?
i wish.
14)Who was your last myspace comment from?
15)Who was the last person to text you?
no phone.
16)Who did you talk to for more than 2 hours last?
i dont knwo
17)When is your birthday?
oct 23rd.
18)If myspace made you pay would you still use it?
fuck no. hardly even use it now.
19)Who is your number one on myspace?
20)Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move?
21)Has anyone ever hung up on you?
22)Do you have unlimited texting?
23)When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends?
24)Do you laugh at all the wrong times?
lol yes.
25)Did you speak to your father today?
26)Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months?
27)How did you wake up this morning?
alarm clock.
28)What were you doing at 7am?
29)How have you felt today?
30)Can you handle the truth?
31)Anything you'd like to say to anyone?
i love you
32)Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?
um. yes.
33)Are you a forgiving person?
34)Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you really weren't?
35)Are you a jealous person?
36)Who are your last five texts from?
37)What was your childhood nickname?
frances pantless.. NO! im joking.
38) Is this year, the best year of your life?
39)Where were you four hours ago?
40)Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?
41)What was the last thing that pissed you off?
a debate in class.
42) Have you ever been to Mexico?
A is for America
1. Do you live in America? no.
2. Have you ever gone to America for a holiday? Where to? no.
3. Do you speak in American English? ndgin
4. Do you like a lot of American bands? heapzzz
5. What do you think of the American president? boo! you whore.
B is for Bugs
1. What’s your favourite bug? lady bugs.
2. What’s your least favourite bug? spiders.
3. Do you freak out if a bug lands on you? yes.
4. Do you kill bugs or capture them and set them free elsewhere? i only kill spiders and flies of any type.
5. Have you ever had an infestation of bugs in your home? ants.
C is for Cars
1. Can you drive? no
2. What type of car do you or your family own? some.
3. What would your dream car look like? something small and fuel efficient.
4. Are you more attracted to someone if they have a nice car? lol...
5. Do you think it’s important to have a nice car or just a car that gets you from A to B? a to b.
D is for Dogs
1. Have you ever or do you own a dog? yes.
2. Do you even like dogs? most of them
3. What breed of dog do you like best? labrodors (L)
4. Do you think it’s cute or cruel to dress up dogs? meh.
5. Have you ever rescued a dog? Tell us the story: um, no but a cat yes.
E is for Eggs
1. Do you like eggs? yep.
2. Do you eat them often? lately.
3. How do you like them to be cooked? yolk runny.
4. Do you like the yolk to be runny? yes.
5. What do you like in your omelette? ew. no thankyou.
F is for Friends
1. Do you have a large group of friends? not LARGE.
2. Do you prefer one best friend or lots of friends? besties.
3. Have you ever lost a best friend? yes.
4. Has a friend ever let you down or hurt you? yes.
5. What makes someone a good friend? caring, and eyah.
G is for Grandparents
1. Are all your grandparents still alive? 3.
2. What are their names? graham, john. gloria and margaret.
3. How close do you live to them? far.
4. Are you close to them? not really.
5. Were you your grandparents first grandchild? no.
H is for Holidays
1. What calendar holidays do you celebrate? most.
2. What’s the best holiday you’ve ever had? christmas last year.
3. Have you ever been on holiday without a parent? school camps?
4. Where’s the furthest you’ve travelled for a holiday? queensland
5. Do you classify going away to somewhere in the same country you live in as a holiday? most times.
I is for Ice cream
1. Do you like ice cream? not really
2. Do you eat it more in the summer then any other time? meh.
3. What’s your favourite flavour? lemon
4. Have you ever eaten a whole tub to yourself? no.
5. Do you have an ice cream van that comes around your houses? nah.
J is for Jokes
1. What’s the best joke you’ve ever heard? bah! asif i could remember.
2. Are you known for your jokey personality? only with my friends.
3. Do you play jokes and tricks on people a lot? yes.
4. Has a joke ever gone wrong? lol all the times.
5. Do you find most jokes funny even when others don’t? yes.
K is for Kites
1. Have you ever flown a kite? yes
2. When was the last time you flew a kite? many years ago.
3. Do you still own a kite? What does it look like? no.
4. When you were little were you worried that the kite would go too high and take you with it? no.
5. Have you ever got a kite tangled around a pole or wire? no
L is for Life
1. What is the meaning of life? live:love:die
2. Are you happy with your life? meh.
3. What’s your lifetime goals? ppfft.
4. What’s been your best lifetime achievement? yeah.. to early.
5. Have you ever thought about ending your life? yes.
M is for Mathematics
1. Was maths your favourite school subject? noo
2. Are you good at maths? yes.
3. What is your favourite thing to do with maths [Adding, Algebra etc]? algebra, is definently the easiest.
4. Do you use maths daily? not really.
5. Do you tend to count in your head or use a calculator? head
N is for Night Time
1. Is this your favourite time of day? yes.
2. What time do you go to bed? 10-11 on weeknights.
3. Have you ever stayed out at night just to watch the stars and moon? probz.
4. Are you scared of the dark? no.
5. How good is your night-vision? good.
O is for Octopus
1. Have you ever seen an octopus in real life? yes.
2. Have you ever caught an octopus? no
3. Have you ever eaten octopus? Did you like it? no!
4. Do you think octopuses are ugly or cute? ugly.
5. Have you ever been inked by an octopus? no.
P is for Plants
1. Are you interested in gardening? no
2. Can you name different plants by looking at them? no.
3. Do you grow any plants? no
4. Do plants just die when you look after them? yes, just like my cactus i bought of the homeless man.
5. What is your favourite plant? big oak tree's
Q is for Queens
1. Who is your favourite queen? haha
2. Would you ever like to be a queen of a country?
3. What is the queen’s job description?
4. Are you a drama queen? sometimes.
5. Have you ever worn a tiara? yes.
R is for Relationships
1. Are you currently in a relationship? yes.
2. How many serious relationships have you had? two.
3. Have you ever been in love? yes.
4. What do you enjoy most about being in a relationship? someone to love. haha
5. Do you think relationships are overrated? no..
S is for Sex
1. Are you a virgin? no.
2. How many times have you had sex? too many to remember.
3. What’s your favourite sexual position? lol..
4. What contraceptive do you/will you use? the pill.
5. Do you own any sex toys? no.
T is for Time
1. What is the current time? 7:03pm
2. Do you check the time often? mmm yes
3. Do you feel that there isn’t enough hours in the day? no.
4. Do you tell the time by 12 hours or 24 hours? 24 on the computer.
5. Are you good at being on time? yes.
U is for Universe
1. Would you ever like to travel into space? sure.
2. Do you ever wish on stars? no.
3. Have you ever seen a shooting star? no.
4. Do you ever wonder about how the universe came about? yes.
5. Have you ever witnessed an eclipse? no.
V is for Vegetables
1. Do you eat vegetables? yes.
2. What’s your favourite vegetables? broclii and carrot.
3. When you were a child did you eat your vegetables through force or choice? choice
4. Are you a vegetarian? no.
5. The big question. Sprouts; Yay or Nay? yaynay?
W is for Work
1. Where do you work?
2. Is that where you’d like to still be in ten years time?
3. What was your first ever job?
4. Do you enjoy your job?
5. Who are your co-workers?
X is for X-Rays
1. Have you ever had an X-ray? yes.
2. Are you scared of having X-rays? no.
3. Do you worry about the radiation that they give out? no
4. Why do you think they are called X-ray’s and not “bone scans” or something else more relevant? i dont know.
5. Have you ever had to have an X-ray in an awkward or embarrassing place? no.
Y is for Yogurt
1. What is your favourite flavour yogurt? french vanilla
2. Do you even like yogurt? yes.
3. Have you ever eaten live yogurt? heh?
4. Do you add yogurt to anything such as cereal? yes.
5. Do you usually eat yogurt as a meal or for a dessert? snacks.
Z is for Zoo
1. Have you ever been to the zoo? yes
2. Do you agree with animals being held captive? mmm.
3. What’s the first animal you go to see when at the zoo? giraffes.
4. Have you ever watched the animals being fed? yes.
5. Do you live close to a zoo? not really.