Aug 11, 2005 15:04
AH! LIVEJOURNAL! I MISSED YOU! hahahaha I have not been on here in so long. I am talking to LJ like it can hear me. Time to lay off the drugs! haha well, anyways. Update.I am really cold right now. Like seriously. brr. My birthday is tomarrow! yay! I will be 15. And school starts Tuesday. I may sound stupid, but I seriously cannot wait. I miss seing all of my friends. I even miss people I hate. I want to be able to make fun of them every day! grrness!
Tomarrow I am going to the state fair! HAHA I just love the fair. Seriously man. Its all....i dont know. Fairy and shit. But Maria is coming with me and we are going to pet the cows. And eat deep fried snickers bars and ride rides until we puke all over everyone.
I am already planning on Halloween. I want to be the hormone fairy. How cool will that be? EXTREMLY! I love Halloween. I went to Sams Club, and my moms friends son was with me and my dad, adn when we went by the alcohol, hes like "oh, lets put the gatoade back and get some of this!" and I called him and alkie and a lush, and went all sXe on his ass and told him drinking would ruin his life,because he would turn into an alcoholic and beat his kids and they would grow up and hate him and put him in a home, and no one would go to his funeral. Then I made the mistake of telling him there was no drinking age in germany, so for the rest of the day, hes like "I want to go to Germany." very randomly. So after a while I was like "Where do you guys want to go to for lunch?" and hes like "GERMANY!" and I wanted to kill myself. I just turned around in the car and go 'GIVE GERMANY A REST!' and it made my dad laugh alot. So......yeah.
Well, call me and tell me happy birthday. Like you mean it. Love ya