What is your stand on..... Created by
spyndakitrose and taken 21810 times on
bzoink!Abortion?against, but some cases are special (like rape and incest)Death Penalty?two wrongs don't make a right.Prostitution?againstAlcohol?everything's ok in moderation.Marijuana?"^^^^"Other drugs?againstGay marriage?whatever floats your boatIllegal immigrants?well they're illegal, but you can't blame someone for trying to better their and their children's lives.Smoking?well, if you want to shorten your life span it's up to you.Drunk driving?stupidCloning?dumbRacism?against lolPremarital sex?every situation's differentReligion?i feel blessed to be a christian, especially when others aren't as fortunateThe war in Iraq?50/50Bush?dont really care anymoreDownloading music?forThe legal drinking age?it doesnt matter you can't stop itPorn?dont really care as long as the models are of age.freedom of speech i supposeSuicide?selfish
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