Jan 17, 2005 22:41
this weekend was pretty cool, a little lonely in a way, but decent i suppose.
friday kiana spent the night and we hung out with nina. that was fun. except i think kiana felt left out or something? i dont know- it was weird. me and nina were talking and havig a good time and kiana was just quiet and unresponsive. eh.
saturday kiana spent the night again and we went to the movies- my mom let me drive there by myself- and we saw white noise. it was ok. kinda boring at parts, and not as scary as i'd hoped.
sunday we went to wal mart YES! and then kiana went home and me and my mom went over to my aunts. then we went to ocharleys and i ended up with this nasty shrimp dip. see, i thought it was shrimp AND dip. but nooo it was shrimp dip. not that great.
this morning i went to the MLK parade. it was freezing. then i came home and slept until like 5:30.
tomorrow will mark one week of no meat. (if you dont count shrimp and crab)
now im tired. so i'll see you cats later.