so heres the deal *****READ THIS*******

Nov 10, 2002 09:34

Ok to understand what I am talking about you have to read, I think its two entries back about the bubble gum in chihuahuas face hair. But before I say anything else I want to thank DESIRAE SOSA for starting for starting all this UNNECESARRY Drama. Ok somehow from putting gum in that chicks hair desirae said that Me and two other people had a list of chicks we hate to put gum in their hair, and that leslie was one of them. I heard about this on friday so I was like what the fuck so I went to leslie and cleared everything up. I never said anything about leslie I never wil I have nothing against her. Well yesterday Iwent to the mall and someone came up to me telling me that David *the Hunble boy* was looking for me that he wanted to kick my ass. UHHHH...NO.
so I waited around trying to see if he went into the tilt, so finaly he did, do I whent to talk to him, the conversation was just asking him why, and telling him that I already had talked to leslie and he should confirm before saying shit. I guess he got angry and he started(since he is taller) to lower down towards my face telling me to get out of his face. so things started to get bad I started cussing me out he started trying to push me. Ok screaming at me i just scream back but pushing me and threating me that hes not going to kick my ass but somebody else I aint taking shit from no one specially an instigator like him. so he started to get all up in my face and i..... Kicked him in the balls. I shouldnt have done that but I did I was mad I was really angry. so he was telling me to leave the damn tilt, well he was basically pushing me but miguel told him not to touch we had other things to do so we left. and the rest of the night was fun. But just a little bit of advice to everyone out there, BEFORE YOU REPEATE OR MAKE THINGS BIGGER MAKE SURE THAT THE INFORMATION YOU HAVE IS RIGHT THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE THAT DONT CARE WHO THEY SCREW OVER OR WHAT THEY CAUSE, AND ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS WATCH WHAT YOUR SAYING---THE END----
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