Last night was SO bomb

Jun 18, 2004 10:44

NFG last night...WBRU free concert series. It was amazing, butttt I got my ass beat. Pretty much, yeah, that's how it went. So when we got there, Jon drove us, him me, my bro and my bro's girlfriend, there were not that many people there at all. I would say 600 or so, so we got to the front pretty easily. I saw Elise when I got there and got wicked excited but yeah anyways. So I was at the front for like the end of the The Lingo and all of The Living End and it started getting wicked hot and I was trying to decide whether to get out and then crowdsurf back in when NFG came on, or if I should stay for half of NFG and then crowdsurf back in for the last half. Cuz my bro was somewhere, and he had my camera, which I really wanted to take some pics. But after about 5 minutes of NFG I had to get out cuz I was surrounded by 4 huge sweating boys and I kept getting the wind knocked out of me and couldn't breathe. So then I found Sam, Becca and Steph and we went across the street to Borders and bought some water. Amen for water. Then we went back, ended up losing Sam and Steph on the other side of a mosh pit so me and Becca just surfed up to the front again but I kinda lost her. So then NFG was like, "Ya'll better start fucking moshing right now!" When the rules clearly stated, no smoking, no drinking, no MOSHING. Not to mention, there were an uncountable amount of cigarettes being smoked. But that's okay. So there were a ton of moshpits formed and I of course went in...because I'm cool like that. It was quite fun, in a mosh pit, you feel no pain. Just a bunch of madd crazyness. So that was fun. Except where I tried to run across the middle of one. And got nailed by some naked sweaty guy. It hurt, and I fell and made a fool out of myself but it's okay. Then on the second to last song, 'Catalyst', I found LeeLee and Mike and LeeLee wanted to crowdsurf so we were gonna do it together. And at the end the stupid ass fucking security guard dropped me over the barrier thing from like 5 feet in the air. I landed right on my face and destroyed my elbow, at which point, the security guard proceeded to fall on top of me. Yeah, so that was fun. And that was supposed to be the last song, but then they played 'My Friends Over You' so I just chilled and sang with Christian cuz he had crowdsurfed out of there too. Overall, it was amazing fun. A bit brutal, but the best I've seen thus far. Gotta love it. That feeling of everyone's nasty sweatiness all over you. A-m-A-z-I-n-G

So Mark's leaving for BC football camp, approximately, umm, RIGHT now. :( So I won't see him for quite awhile. This weekend will be quite depressing. I have soccer in Amherst tomorrow and the next day so we are staying overnight I think. That shouldn't be too bad. And then maybe I'll get to see Mark on Monday :) hehehehe. Okay I'm out. I should probably find something constructive to do, yep.

<3 B*Ho
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