Jun 08, 2004 23:21
I got to see Mark saturday. That was about the highlight of my weekend. Friday night sucked cuz I had to study for those god-for-saken SAT II's. Amen those bitches are over. At Mark's, I was so happy. As usual. Being with him makes me so unbelievably happy. We don't even have to do anything, just being there with him...uhh. I can't even describe.
But this week fucking blows. Mark is sick, and I think he got me sick, which sucks, because I can't miss finals. Yes finals-that disgusting word. Ew how I hate it. Well those start Thursday and I am absolutely positively no where close to being ready. I'm stressed out beyond belief, but at the same time I don't even care. Well I do care, but all the teachers are just being really stupid. Do I need to go down the list? Okay...
Stendogg-"25 true/false on material from 3rd and 4th quarters"--okay honestly, where the fuck do I even begin? How are we supposed to know what to study?
Collamatizzle-20 one page essays. Bull shit. The end.
Cooganator-28 stories, and more than 30 "words to know". Like do you really want me to kill myself this weekend? Seems to be what you're aiming at...
McCoy-Okay sure, it's cool to give us 70 Identifications and NOT tell us what they are.
Honestly, I would be so much calmer about this all if the teachers didn't decide to be fuckers about these finals. Come one, we all want summer. Why can't you make it friggen easy?
So I'm going to bed. I can't stay up any longer, it just makes me think I should be studying. I have two to study for tomorrow, spanish and chem. I can't wait! <--You can really see the excitement beeming right there. Yup...PLEASE pray for me. I'm gonna need it.