Happy New Year.

Jan 04, 2007 12:18

Well, another year gone, another year to try to accomplish my life-time goal: drink myself to death.

I was so close last year but, I could only get to the point of passing out.

I had a good year overall. How about you? Thought so.

Well, I've come to a few realizations in the past year or so. As follows they are:

-Keystone Light is liquid gold.
-Bubba loves to flubbagubba.
-God still doesnt exist.
-I'll always be tired.
-I might have diabetes.
-Living on your own is expensive.
-Burning yourself is not the answer.
-Canada is my favorite place to be.
-I hate people so much.

I havent figured out what to do about all the negative things in my life. I do know driking can help hide them for a night or two. I think what I need to do is runaway to the woods and live there for a year. That will set me straight.

I'm gonna sign off for now. Its lunch time and I need to figure out what im gonna eat. Probably nothing. Probably a pigeon.
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