Dec 05, 2007 12:41

Holy crap, I'm writing something here!? O_O! Hell hath clearly frozen over! I mean, you know, assuming it actually exists, which I have my suspicions about. Oh dear... My first entry in months and already I've gotten side-tracked. Not even three sentences in, how pathetically predictable. XD But on to the important bit!

Right, so as you've probably noticed I have dragged this journal back out of the dark depths of LJ obscurity (FEAR THE FRANKENBLOG!) so as to once again ramble about life, the universe, and everything. However, it's for a fairly specific reason this time. I've got two other blogs that are essentially public, or close to it, but there are times when I'd like to discuss things that I'd prefer not shout to the whole wide world. Thus, I shall be putting such things here as it's so easy to have LJ entries shown only to a select few people. The purpose of this particular entry, which is totally public btw, is to inform anyone who has an interest in reading the things that will hereafter be contained in this journal that if you would like to view the aformentioned private entries you'll need to contact me in some manner or another and let me know that so I can add you to my private list. Mind you, I'm not going to add you just because you ask. That would defeat the entire purpose of the not shouting things to the world intent. I'm only going to add people I truly feel I can trust both not to go off and inform their mother, father, thrid cousin twice removed that Raven said such and such in his/her/it's blog and simply, well, trust. I don't think I really need to explain the fact that I have trusted issues. If you're reading this you probably already know that. So yes, if you're interested in reading my private stupid get and touch with me and let me know and if I feel I know you well enough to tell you things of a personal nature and trust you enough not to repeat them I will add you to my private list and bore you to death with senseless whatnot!

Until next time :)
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