The tower of BABBLE

Oct 01, 2006 12:33

Yeees, it's back to the hideously disgusting powder blue as you can see. *shakes fist at LJ* Work damn you! WOOOOOOOOOOOORK!!!! >_>
But aside from the POWDER BLUE FROM HELL I have other random things to, yes BABBLE about.

But I do. I should not feel guilty about how much weight I've lost. I should not feel the need to frequently say things like "Well the sizes in this store must run larger than in most stores." so as to not make my friends who struggle with weight issues feel bad about themselves. But I do. I feel very guilty. Because I KNOW what it's like to be very overweight and not seem to be able to lose any no matter what you do. And so I feel incredibly guilty that I've lost over one hundred pounds since my heaviest weight. I know I shouldn't, it's not MY fault I suddenly lost a ton (literally) of weight. It just sort of, happened... And I feel obscenely guilty about it. WHAT IS THIS BIZARRE REVERSE SELF HATE!??!? Yes, god damn it, I hate myself for being skinny again. Clearly there is something horribly wrong (eh?) with me. Hnnnnnnn! X_x

Along similar lines, I bought a OMFG PONCY FAG ASS FLOOFY FRILLY PIRATE SHIRT yesterday! XD And... my shirt size is... small? What? WHAT!? That just can't be right. It just can't. ... Can it? O_o I mean... I can't possibly have gone from a 2XL to a SMALL!?! Butbut....but IT FITS! ( what was that now?) LA DEE DA XD I AM SO CONFUSED IT HURTS MY POOR WITTLE BRAIN! A small!?!?!  A SMALL!??!?!? I ASK YOU! It just does not make sense damn it! Not that I'm, you know, complaing or anything mind you. Guess it's time to go buy some new clothes for winter seeing as all my shirts are either larges or extra larges and pants are falling off my ass all the time. FEAR MY SKINNY BITCHNESS! Or...something. XD Oh and JDFSLVJDKFDVSL! I COULD have fit in an EXTRA small, but it wouldn't have been as floofy and poncy and GAY. yes, my god, I am wasting away! O_O

Hurr hurr, I now have four decks of Tarot cards plus my Egyptian casting stones. XD I should take pictures of some of them to share, for they be pretty. I now have a Vampire Tarot (huuurrrr *dorkus maximus*), a celtic shamam deck, A Faerie Oracle (which is my favorite), and one called The Sacred Geometry (yes GEOMETRY) Oracle, which I bought because the cover had a card with a yin yang, a white owl, and a raven and I went "HURR must have!". Yes, I am a complete and total lame ass. XD

Annoyingly I had left two of the decks on the kitchen table when I went out the other day and my mother decided she need to go through them and look at them. X_X  No touchie of another persons tarot without asking please! Really, she shouldn't be looking through ANY of my things without asking, but this is a hell of a lot more personal than most of my things. I'm just glad I hadn't gotten around to blessing either of those decks so there wasn't as much risk of her fucking up my energies and such. But still. MINE you no touchie kthnxbi.

Well, I think that's it for today. Oh, I'm TRYING (key word) to write a BOOK(ish thing). XD Yeeeees, will post when I have enough to be worth it.
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