Jul 17, 2005 15:14
Im back!! :) Those 11 days were the best in the world. I got to spend
time with my family and I got to know them better. It was Great!! I saw
most of my moms side family, that was fun, and we went touring
everywhere. New York was awesome!! and so was Washington DC. I did soo
much stuff, and if i tryed to type it all my hand will fall off lol.
The only thing that matters was the I had fun. But 11 days in the car
for extended periods of time was crazy. lol. Ill try to put up pictures
later. Oh yeah we went to see Niagara Falls..it was beautiful. At first
i thought it was just a little fall and nothing that major to see but
when we went on the boat ride it was awesome. We say the Canadian side
of the fall but we didnt get to go behind the falls, maybe next time. Oh, and one more thing..I got a really good tan from standing in line outside to see the Statue of Liberty and for seeing all the sites in DC.
Well my hands are already starting to hurt..type more about my trip later.
Smruti :)
.::Its Great To Be Home::.