...so I'm thinking about
...apart from realising that I like two men as well as two women going at it, of course. *g* This is the serious-section.
I first watched Queer as Folk when I was fourteen, an age where at least I was (not to say that I'm not anymore) easily influenceable. Maybe if I had gotten into another series, I wouldn't be who I am today, maybe it wouldn't have changed a thing. I will list the things that I believe Queer as Folk caused in and for me personally:
1. The biggest of all: Morality. I've learned that morality does not necessarily contain the values I was taught and brought up with. For example is the person who is cheated on not always the innocent victim. There are more ways to cheat than just sexual contact. Relationships are individual, every couple has to decide how they work best for them. Real love (hopefully) contains a lot more than the desire to marry someone and have his or her children - for example the other one's happiness instead of continuing one's own pursuit of joy (which is the one fascinating thing about love - of course everyone is trying to pursuit his own happiness, to find another one's I'd fight for is the trick, instead of just using him for my own). My first duty is to myself, but it's important to look out of the bowl of my own emotional world and understand the reasons of the persons around me.
I especially think about the last two realisations at this late hour because I see the exact opposite happening around me: In my group of friends, L started a relationship with the ex (call him D) of K one month after they broke up a one-year-relationship and now hell is breaking loose. Suddenly, K is telling E to ignore L and D, who promises to do just that, but doesn't. L talks with people about it who have nothing to do with neither D or K but are content to tell her that she's a heartless bitch, without having any idea of the situation. Someone else said that she would never forgive her best friend if her best friend started something with one of her exs. And I'm just sitting inbetween and want to scream at them (overweeningly enough) to shut the fuck up and grow up. It's just boring. I don't want reality to turn into OC California, if I wished for mindless entertainment I could turn on my TV. Isn't love about wanting the partner's happiness? Well, everyone who seriously would be angry with their friend if he/she entered into a relationship with their ex obviously loved neither his friend nor his ex, but only himself and his own happiness. Which everyone may, but at least they could be honest about it.
2. 3-Dimensionality in humans. Do I need to explain? There's not one thing that's either good or bad, and we all know it. But taking it into my everyday-life and taking that into consideration before I judge someone or open my mouth has changed my view on some things. It goes very closely with #1, anyway.
3. Honesty. Trust may be a fickle thing, but honesty is the first step on turning it into a not-so-fickle-thing. Honesty, to me, has much more value than most other qualities a person can have. If everyone were honest with themselves and each other, right from the start, I do believe that there would be less pain.
I'll stop here because it's half past four. I really hope that I can sleep now. It's disgusting not to be able to sleep.
(Cut out of consideration for my f-list, I have no idea yet how long this entry will be)
(well, let's call it medium. ;))