Jun 29, 2005 14:28
A is for age: Twenty-One
B is for booze: None
C is for career: Radio DJ hopefully
D is for dad's name: Charles
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Music, pants, a good friend
F is for favorite song at the moment: The Unforgiven by Metallica
G is for girlfriend: None
H is for hometown: Pelham, NH
I is for instruments you play: Guitar
J is for jam or jelly you like: None
K is for kids: Maybe someday
L is for living arrangements: An apartment in Nashua with three girls and a guy and a half
M is for mom's name: Patricia
N is for name of your best friend: Mike
O is for overnight hospital stays: Severe asthma attack at age three and a sleep observation when I was sixteen
P is for phobia[s]: Spiders, heights, death
Q is for quote you like: "Just so you guys know, it was Chad who said it!" ~Cesar
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Jess, off an on a totalyear and a half probably
S is for sexual position: On the bed
T is for time you wake up: Depends on when I'm working. Got up at noon today
U is for unique trait: My badass sideburns and...well, there's not much extraordinary about me...
V is for vegetable you love: Potatoes.
W is for worst habit: Being callous
X is for x-rays you've had: Two a year on my teeth at the dentist
Y is for yummy food you make: Market Basket mac and cheese
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries
*Firsts *
First job: Wal-Mart
First screen name: Doh45
First funeral: Jess's grandmother
First pet: Mandy the dog
First credit card: Circuit City Visa
First kiss: Jess Fili's cousin Erica
First enemy: Joe Pinksten
First favorite musician: Aerosmith
Last car ride: Looking for Batman comics after work last night
Last kiss: Shit, umm...like fucking March
Last movie watched: American Beauty
Last beverage drank: Sprite
Last food consumed: Chick-Fil-A sandwich
Last phone call: Cooter
Last time showered: A couple minutes ago
Last CD played: Ra - Duality
Last website visited: LJ
Now Single or Taken: Single
Sex: Dudz0rz
Birthday: March 24
Siblings: Two, younger brother, older sister
Hair color: Very dark brown
Eye color: They change colors, usually hazel
Shoe size: Ten and a half
Height: Five foot ten
Right now what are you...
Wearing: A towel. I'm wearing jeans and an ATHF shirt to work
Drinking: Nada
Thinking about: Mistakes I've made of late
How do you...
Wear your hair: Gel and spiked backwards or just under a hat
Drive: Standard
Kiss: Infrequently
Make money: Digital Outfitters