YOU ARE CARL -- The Aqua Teen's fat, balding, lazy,
perverted neighbor. He enjoys waxing his car,
drinking beer, looking at pornography, and
hanging out at strip clubs. He doesn't have a
job, a family, or a purpose in life, other than
yelling at Master Shake for being in his pool
without his permission.
What 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force' character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Last week was fun fun happy time, extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme!
It was a rather eventful week, so let's get started...
I worked a lot. Nancy finally started doubling at Rockingham and Pheasant Lane, so my hours have gone up by about ten hours a week, which means much needed money. Thursday and Easter were my only days off, and it's not going to let up. This week, Tiffany from Rockingham is going on vacation, so Nancy is picking up more slack there. meaning even more hours for me here Pheas. Also, Craig is opening the new kiosk, so he's going to be busy over there constantly, meaning even more hours. Then, Nancy is going to Portugal for a week and a half, so I'm pulling about forty something hours that week. Overtiiiiiiiiime, bitches!
Thursday was the shit, one of the best birthdays I've ever had. Got up at about ten and Cesar picked me up to get my ID. It went insanely smoothly this time. I was in and out inside of five minutes with my ID.
We then headed for Pelham, so Cesar could shower. I hung with Chad and eventually went with him to grab Jay and Cesar and we all headed down to Good Time in Somerville to play pool. Chad and Cesar beat Jay and I 4 games to 2. Kim called me to wish me a happy birthday while we were playing, which was a pleasant surprise. We played pool for free for a few hours then headed for Nashua. Only problem: I forgot we were supposed to take 95 south to hit Route 3 north. We ended up going to Hampton beach, which was one of the most entertaining part. We ran around the beach and ran up and down the rocks toward the end of the beach. When we got bored, we all raced for the car. Cesar was in the lead, but that worked to his disadvantage. When we all got to the boardwalk, Jay, Chad and I stopped for a car...Cesar didn't. He was turned, laughing at us and he turns around to face forward and this car barrels right by him, missing him by maybe a foot. It was sensational. The look on his face: priceless. We left and headed for Wendy's in Nashua, ate and they dropped me off.
When Katie got home, I went to the bars with her and Jeanette. A surprisingly great time. I loved the live music (All covers of ninties alternative, hehe). I got free Sprite because they assumed I was the designated driver since I wasn't drinking.
We went to the bar again Friday night with Katie's friend from Maine and a couple people from Katie's work. It was a great time as well, we sang Pretty Fly For a White Guy in the streets of Manchester and went for pizza and I said some rather offensive stuff "I like putting my hand in my pocket, 'cause my nuts are right there." Needless to say, the place went silent.
Saturday, after work, Cesar, Del, Adam, Rob and Jess Sehovich came over. We all played mega Super Smash Bros. Melee for a while and then went to Wal-Mart. Good times, some hilarious shit.
Sunday, I slept all fucking day and then cleaned when I woke up. Moved my bookshelf out of the closet and my comics in. Much better now. I put up some posters tonight, my room is looking really nice. When Jenn came home, she brought up how we shouldn't even move 'cause of all the shit we've done to this place lately. We got to seriously talking about it, and we decided what's happening today. Her fiancee Kevin is moving in, they're taking Katie's room, since it's biggest and more suited for two. Katie is taking Jeanette's and Jeanette is going downstairs. I was going to take downstairs, but I don't have room for all my shit in there. This means rent is going back down again, which will be awesome. We also want to buy a grill for massive parties over the summer. Also in the works: a trip to Winnepesauke for some vaca at Jenn's parents' cottage, a camping trip and a redneck party (Mullets required).
That's the gyst of things for now, for anyone who's been wondering. Life's taken an upswing. I just need to get someone to look at my car within the next few weeks to try and get it fixed and then get some insurance so's I can get back on the road, and life will be smooth again.