DifFeReNt PaStS brOuGhT tOgEtHeR iNTo OnE PrEsEnt..iS tHeRe a FuTuRe?

Feb 27, 2005 19:59

I'm watching Pocahontas at the moment and as I watched her and John get to know each other and teach each other new things neigher has known before, a throught occurred to me: Spencer and I come from very different backgrounds. All our lives up until this point have been like night and day. There's little about our pasts that is the same and that we can both relate to in each other. My whole childhood, as far back as I can remember, hasn't been the easiest. I've always had problems within my family. I've never had a big group of good friends; only one or two. I've been put through two divorces in the past five years. I've moved and changed lives more than I want to remember. I've never had a stable place I could call my home. Spencer, on the other hand, had a very different life. His parents are together. He has a home he's lived in all his life, without moving every year to some different one. He hasn't experienced all the different feelings I have. He has freinds today that he grew up with from early childhood. Every time we all hang out, the guys talk about their early years in grade school and all the things they did. I just sit there and find myself feeling jealousy. I dont and cant have that. All the friends I had from my childhood I've lost. The only friends I really ahve right now are the people here...and sad thing is I've only been here for a little bit over a year. So yes, I dont have many strong frienships. Spencer never had to lose his childhood friends, he never had to change schools nearly every year and start from scratch each time. This is where we differ. His parents have their problems, but they're waiting to get divorced until he's out of high school. They're thinking of him, unlike mine, who didnt even tell me about the divorce until it was already done. These are jsut a few core differences I can think of from the top of my head..there are many others, of course.

So this is whats gotten me thinking. They say opposites attract...so is this how love works? You get two people who are completely differnet from each other and bring them together, letting them add onto what the other lacks?

And if you also find a person who's exactly like you...does that mean the relationship cant go further than a strong friendship because the two of you are too similar? Must there be a definite difference in order to find "the one" for youself?

People say they know what love means...but do they? When DO you know when you've found love? Maybe there is no right answer to that old age question. Maybe, after all, you just know...
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