OOC - Equipment

Sep 17, 2007 19:56

Current Equipment:
- the stuff he started off with.
- 1 large kitchen knife, found in the kitchen.
- 1 box with matches, found in the kitchen.
- 1 bloody scalpel, mockingly given to him during his m-u trial.
- 3 small knives, found in Autopsy Room 1.
- 2 (clean) scalpels, found in Autopsy Room 1.
- Several extra pens, found in Autopsy Room 1.
- 1 clamp.
- One key ring with several keys, found in Autopsy Room 1. (They keys only work on the units in the morgue, but Albel has yet to try).
- 1 extra flashlight along with multiply sets of batteries, found in room M99.
- several rolls of banages found in the pharmacy.
- 1 screwdriver, found in the janitor's closet.
- several steel pipes, ranging from 3 inches to 4 ft.
- several extra batteries, found in the janitor's closet.

ooc, equipment

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