Aug 12, 2008 20:37
Things have been progressing faster than we expected the past few weeks. After our meeting at the notarys office, we had übergabetag 1 week later. I flew to Berlin, met up with the estate agent and got the keys to our house! So now its technically ours although we still have to be registered in the German land registry to be real owners. But, we can move in and are now all set for off on 25th August. We have a two day journey there with the cats, stopping off at Dunkerque on the way in a pet friendly hotel. Our furniture removers are setting off at a similar time and hopefully will get there a bit later than us. It all sounds so easy, just hope it goes that way and we don't have too bad a journey and too noisy with constant meowing!
For now, we're busy packing, saying goodbyes and booking flights already for visiting relatives!