May 13, 2005 20:01
lol. i'm listening to The Backstreet Boys
i love them.. lol
and am totally gonna guy their new CD
but anyways this little BSB session is flooding back memories from 7th grade lol. i started crying and then just busted out laughing because i'm remebering all Kel, Krista, Rachel and my BSB memories.
lol like pole dancing in Kel's basement.
*laughs for like 5 minutes*
we were watching like some movie (Coyote Ugly or something of that nature) and were like "i wanna learn how to pole dance"
then like 2 weeks later Krista and i found this intructional video about pole dancing. lol. and we did it. in Kelci's basement because her basement has poles in it and it was HILARIOUS.
i dunno why i just wrote about that but i dunno. i used to be an AWESOME dancer. lol. (not just on the pole) *giggle*
i miss it terribly sometimes. lol. i think that i'm gonna try to go to college in a big city so that i can take a dance class whenever i'm there that's for like people my age. lol.
anyways enough of that.
and for the record.. i am NOT mind gamey!