(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 17:28

*slaps myself in the face.... like four times*

i kissed Matt Parrott

*slaps myself in the face again*

this is how it began...

last night Matt called to see if i wanted to go to a movie, but it was about to storm really bad so i couldn't
he told me to call him at like 12 today
so i did
we went to see Amityville Horror at like 1:30
just me and Matt (don't tell my mom)
i was scared.. things kept popping up and freaking me out
at one point i was grabbing Matt's arm so tight i left little white finger prints
afterwards we went to his house (don't tell my mom)
we ate pizza and listened to old records
then we went downstairs to his room and hung out listening to AFI
there are all these things in his room that glow so i turned off the light so i could see them
and it ended up being just left off
we were laying on his bed
nothing we hadn't done before
except this time it was dark and he'd asked me out earlier and i'd turned him down
he got up to change the song and i sat up (i swear if i hadn't of sat up the whole thing never would have happened)
he sat back down and kind of pulled me to him and we just sat there for a minute with his arms around me
then i looked up (stupid me) and he looked down and he kissed me
then we started marginally making out
then we stopped
and i said "i totally shouldn't have done that"
he replied "no, you probably shouldn't have"
then we did it again, why? i don't know

Matt's always liked me and i've always liked Matt (a little bit)
i'd never go out with him though
of all the times he's asked me, i've always said no
and always will
*slaps myself in the face (again).... like three times*
i should be deemed "the whory infidel" (even though it's not really infidelity as i don't have a boyfriend)
but anyways
i just broke up with Joey
there's something going on w/ Landon that i haven't quite figured out
and i kissed Matt

i will never be able to listen to The Leaving Song (AFI) again

just shoot me
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