Jan 26, 2005 01:10
First I want to say...
omg ur 20!! Haha ur old :) *HUGS* See I didn't forget even if i did lose track of the date. :P Since ur b-day is technically a holiday... skip school and come visit! But if u do invent that teleporter within the next 24 hours i'll go visit u :)
Ok... so i've gone 3 months without updating again... new years resolution: to update once a month? maybe
On other news, I HAVE NO ROOMATE!!!! YAY! I have a single all to myself cuz roomate graduated :) Anyone want to donate a kitty cat? I'll take anything thats fuzzy and cute :)
For people who care, heres my schedule in not so organized form:
Cognition 2:50-4:10
Hormones and Behavior 6:10-7:30
Sociology of Women 8:10-9:30
French 216 9:50-11:10
Physiological Psych 2:50-4:10
Qttv Methods for Psych 4:30-5:50
Qttv Methods Lab 9:50-11:10
Work 11:30-2:30
Cognition 2:50-4:10
Hormones and Behavior 6:10-7:30
Work 9:00-12:00
Physiological Psych 2:50-4:10
Qttv Methods for Psych 4:30-5:50
Sociology of Women 8:10-9:30
French 216 9:50-11:10
Sociology of Women sucks... a lot... Listening to people bitch about the opression of women first thing in the morning is not my idea of fun. Its like get over urself already. Who cares? Its a frikin requirement apparently so i'm kinda stuck with it :P
French is well... french... aka class where i nod and smile pretend i understand stuff
Cognition is eh.. kinda boring
Love Hormones and Behavior and Physiological though. Learning about all the different types of neurons and all the weird things that happen when parts of the brain r damaged. Want to have 2 separate brains? Just cut the corpus callosum (the fibers that connect the 2 halves of the brain) and no, it doesn't make u twice as smart (actually makes u kinda retarded) :)
Qttv Methods is just a repeat of Stats from last semester... which I SLEPT THROUGH GRRR Screw rutgers for making us take 2 stat courses for 2 different majors
Ooooo! RPDC started again. I luv it so much i'm even tempted to trek to douglass for some of the dances... bus might take a hour though :P I'm so doing 5 dances!! ok maybe 4 :P YIPPEE!! hehe its too much fun, i'm all giddy now :) am I scaring u yet? lol
ok thats it for now! ttyl! BYE!!!