May 05, 2005 22:37
Sry I didn't finish writin yesterday I stayed at Brittany house Wyatt an RJ were there so I didn't want then to read it while I was typin but it was a lot of fun yesterday Brittany, Jamie, an me went to the library to play basketball an Chris was there stupid fag! an Chris sarted shit with me an I was about to go over there an kick the fuck out of him but then Danny told this lil kid to ask Brittany for a blow job an he got it on a video so we went inside the library an called RJ an Waytt so they were down there within like 3 mins lol an RJ walked by an Danny said hears the lil kid are you goin to beat him up now an RJ told him no im goin to beat you up your the one that told him to i'll kick your ass lol that was funny after that everyone shut up then they wanted to play basketball so it was me an Wyatt an RJ an Brittany an so I was guardin Brittany an then Wyatts like get RJ an I was scared cause it hurts when he runs into you lol so then Brett, Timmy, an Denver came over an Wyatt lit a cig an asked me if wanted one an Brittany told me no an started yellin at me an then he gave me one an Britt left I hate when she is like that but I got over it cause she always does later an so me an Brianna were sittin there an I took my lip gloss out an made RJ smell it I almost stuck it up his nose an then he goes ya my sister had one like that it tastes good an then Wyatt goes let me smell an he ate it ewwww! it's gross I have Wyatt spit in my lip gloss after that we walked back to Britt's house an we made up so were cool now an then Bri left an I stayed the night OMG now listen to this one RJ didn't no I was stayin the night so he came down at like two in the morning an turns on the light an goes shit I didn't no Stacy was stayin an he was talkin on the phone with Carmen an she goes whos Stacy an he goes thats my X girl friend shes ubsessed with me still ya right! an then he said but shes movin on to Wyatt hell no im tryin to get Jamie not to ike him what is RJ thinkin I don't even like neither of them as friends but he can think that if he wants to go right ahead! an today school was gay I was thinkin a lot about some people an started cryin god damn! I hate when I do that lol but I was like pissed off the whole day I was about to beat Kaylas ass stupid bitch she needs to shut the fuck up or she has somethin comin to her she know I never liked her an shes not helpin herself at all but outher then that I actually rode the bus home today an then i went to sleep I was so tired yawn! but im goin to go cause Momo wants to get on bye byes I love Joshua Victor Spencer.