Jun 02, 2005 21:46
Today I went to school I had the worst mornin Mo woke me up 5 mins before we had to leave ass hole gurrr! at lunch time I guess poopstash called Jamie a bitch oooo! I was bout to punch him right in the face BIBI! umm... pigion yelled at me for not survin my detention ha ha ha bitch! an then 5th period she called me in her office an said I have to go to the one on Monday an if not Im goin to be kicked out the last two days an then I would have to come back an take my exams o well i dont no if im goin after school I walked wif Britt an then we went to her soft ball practice for a hour an a half then when we got home or at her house at least an Wyatt Nick an RJ were there WYATT!!!! is soooo hot shhh! ha ha lol they were at the park but they were playin basketball an Nick was makin fun of me not able to catch the ball an then he stoll the glove but anyway back to Britt's house I got sick an through up an then Wyatt hit me so I hit him back an then Britt goes leave her alone she just through up an he hugg me an said im sry awwww! an then Nick was actin like a Wigger an he was tryin to get an my face an I told him to leave me alone an RJ is so loud roar! an Cassie an Aj came over an we were goin to walk to Dairy Queen but then my mom came an now Im home so im goin to go I love........