Tell me something that'll save me

Feb 28, 2010 23:56

Step 1: Grab your image(s) and place them onto your canvas.
Now if you have 2 images and they both have white backgrounds, add your first image, then paste your 2nd image and set the 2nd image to Multiply.
If some of it covers the 1st layers main focus (face) then erase.

Step 2: I grabbed image 2 and cut the background off and just twisted it and placed 2 of them at each side. I then did the same with image 1 however, I didnt cut them out, I just set them to Multiply.

Step 3: Merge all and give it a sharpen (if needed).

Step 4: Colouring:

Channel Mix layer;
Reds: +138, -32, 0
Greens: -20, +128, 0
Blues: -12, -14, +136

Duplicate the Channel Mix layer.

Step 5: Textures:

1. Paste this texture set it to Lighten and desaturate it.

2. Paste this texture set it to Darken with 47% opacity.

3. Paste this texture set it to Soft Light.

Duplicate the above layer (texture 3) and erase over the faces.

4. Paste this texture set to Multiply.

Step 6: Duplicate your base, drag to the top and set to Soft Light with 35% opacity.

Step 7: Merge all and sharpen again. (if yours is already sharpened enough, then skip this.)

Step 8: Colouring:

Hue/Sat layer: Red (sat): +13

Channel Mix layer:
Reds: +122, -34, 0
Greens: -10, +118, 0
Blues: -14, +38, +100

Levels layer:
Input: 52, 1.62, 230 | Output: 24, 187
(Set this to 34% opacity)

Step 9 Optional: Grab texture 3 and paste it and set it to Soft Light.

You're done!

If you'd like to go for style #3 then just:

Hue/Sat layer:
Yellows (sat): -47

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