Mar 17, 2006 18:01
Vision X was hilarious.
Highlights include:
"I'm so shek-shi."
Ah, it was one of those things where you had to be there.
A description by one of the pastors about a dream that he had about Jackie Chan the other night. It was a very strange dream.
While one of the pastors were talking about every part of our body his useful, he came to why guys have nipples. He's like, "Girls have nipples for a reason, but why do guys have them? I mean, what's the point of that?" A picture then came up on the projector of the same pastor making a funny face and the captions saying, "I HAVE BIG NIPPLES"
After that, a picture of the same pastor making another face and the captions saying, "I AM LACTATING."
The last two were funny because said pastor didn't know that the pictures were up on the projector screen. It was all the techie guy.
Break-dancing competition. Two of the competitors were awesome. The guy who won, while he was dancing, his hat fell off, so while doing a handstand (with one hand), he picked up his hat, spun it through his legs twice, and put his hat back on. Pwnage. The other one was a girl. Can't really remember what she did though. I just remember that it was good. XD
In our small groups of about 12-14 people (There were over 350 people there), we played a game sort of like The Amazing Race. There were tons of games, like a relay race where we had to crabwalk and piggyback each other, mini-golf (sort of), Fear Factor (Where we had to eat...some really gross stuff), and charades. There were more, of course, but I didn't feel like listing them all.
Very good food.
I won in poker. XD
Ok, so these people in my cabin (And go to my church) were having a mock-break dancing competition at around 1 AM. Their names are Danny and Un. In the middle of it, Danny just gets fed up and checks Un to the floor and gives him a huge wedgie.
And that's all I can remember for now.
>.> <.<
Bye bye.