the point of LJ-stuff message to all users: you will be lied to, and USED

Jan 19, 2012 20:04

the point of LJ-stuff message to all users:

you will be lied to, and USED!


We've already been fulled by Russian oligarch
Livejournal has made another million or two by fooling people..

Are you aware of the fact that
that LJ is owned by a russian billionare w. a shady past?!

So basicly they ( could #realocate# (in a leagal way of speaking) practicly in no time at all if they wanted to. They are simply milking you, and thouthands of other for PR reasons.

. I have no doubt about yours(and other users) good intentions, they just couldn't be more missguided, than in case of Livejournal.

ljru, lj-stuff,, ljstuff, ljstuff lies, lj

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