welcome to the life of...Anonymous

Mar 25, 2005 02:13

heeeelllllloooooooooooooo..................my name is anonymous and i have adhd secretively........not even the doctors kno...im just soooo positive that something is wrong with me that i have givin myself this title as the only explanation of my constant movin and talkin and movin and talkin and movin and talkin and movin and talkin and movin and talkin and movin and talkin and movin and talkin.......oh...and besides the fact that i have diagnosed myself with add/adhd...i am also a beloved listener...i listen and give advice and ive been told im one of the best....im jsut so damn hyper i dotn feel like ending this entry.......hold on......im suppose to be anonymouse....i must admit...i began this journal with the goal of creatin and entering nothing...i would continue to be anonymous and screw u people over...i would say....."did u think i would expose myself..im anonymous u fools" but this plan has failed....this is kinda fun...and its keepin me busy....wtf.....i feel soooo used..i dont kno why though......
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