Title: Journey’s End
Pairings: Yunjae as a main, but there will also be: JaeChun, HoMin, Minsu and maybe some Yoosu.
Rating: PG to NC-17
Genre: Adventure, angst, romance, drama
WARNINGS: This story will contain adult themes such as SEX between TWO MEN as well as violence, gore and nonconsensual sex (rape).
I suck at writing summaries, so just know that Yunho, an unhappily married man, gets on a boat headed to Germany. That same day, a violent storm hits and the boat is destroyed. When Yunho awakes on a foreign shore, he’s tossed into an adventure of werewolves, vampires, lust, greed and destiny.
Fun times.
Here is a little something from the first chapter to wet your appetite.
All order had fled the room the moment the bell had sounded. It is now every man, woman, and child for themselves.
He feels like he’s on the verge of suffocating by the time he reaches the staircase. He manages to make his way up and onto the deck without much problem. However, what he finds above deck makes his stomach churn dangerously.
The ocean looks black and a heavy sheet of rain is falling from the sky in stinging blasts. The screams of terror grow louder as people are met with the face of natures furry.
The boat pitches. Shoes slide against slick wood. People go tumbling towards the railing of the boat, cries carried away by the wind.
I hope everyone enjoys reading.