I give up... the lj-cut won't work properly.

Apr 27, 2009 14:56

Title: 0_13_9_4 (YooSu)

Chapter: One-Shot

Genre: Romance, slight Crack in the beginning, total Angst in the end

Rating: PG-15

Pairing: YooSu

Summary: To meet, to love, to live, and to die. Humans always circled around the same terms. Love is something to cherish, to hold on, to protect, and to be treasured. Even if it end too fast for our liking, love is indeed beautiful. Everyone can have their own love story… But remember, not every love have a happy end.

This story is on YooChun’s POV in the first three parts. Last part will be on JunSu’s POV.

WARNING!! This is my very first fan fic. I don’t know if it’s readable or not. ‘Cause English isn’t my native language and I don’t have a beta. Just write it off since I got some inspiration. I hope you will enjoy it.



Huru-eru kiminote-o nigirishimerukara

Ima~ kimito bokuwa Begin

( Because I will tightly keep holding your small, trembling hand

Now you and I Begin )

Begin-Tong Vfang Xien Qi

Someone’s cell phone is ringing. What a person with no manners! This is a library. Keep your phone in silent mode here! I’m annoyed by the call. Library is my sanctuary, and I’ll really appreciate it if people keep silent here. Then I heard a childish voice answers the phone.

“Hi, Baby! You’re late! Where are you? I missed you. Come here quickly?” A cheerful voice.

“Huh? What? Can you repeat it, please? I think I hear you said you want to break up with me.” Confused expression.

“Oh. So I did hear that you want to break up with me. May I know why?” Calm attitude.

“It’s okay! It’s not your fault you fall for someone else! I’ll be fine by myself. I’m a man after all.” Cherry tone.

“Alright! I guess we should hang up now. We can’t make your date waits too long, can’t we? This is it! Bubye!” Still in a happy-go-lucky stance.

What the heck?!! His lover just broke up with him and he sounds so delighted?! What a jerk! I bet he never take his relationship as a serious one! I glance at the said ‘man’ and staring dumbfounded. He’s a good actor. Despite how happy his sounds like, it seems he’s been crying all along. Tears streaming down his pinkish cheeks, falling over on his collarbones and damping his shirt. His lips red and swollen from biting to conceal the whimpers and sobs, it’s wavering. Hiccups still managed pass his lips while his shoulders slumped down and trembling.

Pathetic. Pitiful. Sympathy. That’s what I should feel rather than attracted to him. I can see evil!Chun hanging on my left shoulder whispering evil things to me. Act fast, Micky-boy! You don’t want someone snatch him from you, do you? Whoa, what a musky voice he got! Do it now or never! I bet he’ll fall quickly if you use you charms! Come on! Then an angel!Chun plopped in to my right should protesting the evil!Chun. Nooo! How could you think of something horrible like that? He said shrieking with high-pitched tones. Poor, cute, adorable, vulnerable little man is in need for help! Don’t you dare to taint him with your sleazy charms! No, No, I won’t let you! Yah, get a grip on yourself! Fight the evil! Kick him out of you mind!

And after crazy battle between my crazy minds, which resulting the angel!Chun win! The evil!Chun retreated with his tail down between his legs while the angel!Chun proceed to do a high kick on my shoulder. Ok, enough with my minds, let’s get on the situation in hand.

“Are you alright? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. But I had heard enough anyway.” He lifts up his face. Glistening eyes with tears piercing to mine. Searching answer, to trust me or to not.

“I’m alright. Thank you for your kindness but I’m used to this. Actually this is the longest relationship I ever have. But it ends up the same as always. Am I that unattractive that people keep dumping me?” Cracked voice and strained smile. And I fell, hard. Before I realize it, I have gone to his side and took him into my arms.

Whispering softly into his ears… ”Don’t hold back. You may cry as loud as you want. Give me all you got. I promise it’ll feel better.”As I start to rock him gently. He took a mouthful of air, and then let out a scream, full of his miserable feelings. People turn their heads towards us, but I don’t care. He needs me. He needs this.


Time flies. Things change. It didn’t take me a long time to be deeply in love with him. Kim JunSu, a fallen angel which God send to me. When I confess and he accepts, I made a vow, that I’ll never hurt him like everyone else did.

“Su-ah, does is still hurt?” I asked him. He turns to stare at me, and then looks away, his gaze fall to somewhere faraway, somewhere I don’t belongs to.

“Do you want truth? Or lie?” He asked me back.

I turn away too, to look at everything else but him, “Truth. Even if it’ll hurt me and you. It’s better than any lies.”

“………..It does. There is a part of me that can’t be mended back together. No matter what you do or how hard I tried. But I don’t regret it, because it gave me you. I’m thankful that I met you, Chun.” He turns back to me, make me feel anxious as he starts to stare at me with his boy-ish smile. I lost my battle, my feelings overpowered my sanity and logic, before I can even hold back, I swallowed and start babbling out…

“JunSu, would you mind to be mine? I know you’ve been hurt badly, but I promise, I won’t hurt you like they did. I know I’m selfish, but I can’t help to want you. Ugh, this is bad! How unromantic I’m being, I’m sorry, but I…”

A chuckle followed by giggling sounds then dolphin’s laugh. “Eu-kyang-kyang! You should have looked at your face, Chunnie! It’s hilarious! Eu-kyang-kyang-kyang!”

“JunSu~” I whined. But I feel relieved because his laugh. It feels like weight in my chest is being lifted out.

The laughter died and he answers me with a supposed-to-be-serious-but-fails-miserably tone, “You promise? Never ever leave me? Never ever turns your back to me? Then, I don’t mind! Stupid!Chun, don’t set up an expression like that. You’ll make people think that someone died or something…” I stopped him. I kissed him, a mere touch of lips, soft, gentle, and innocent. It spreads fire on my chest as he kissed me back, passionately, filled with hunger, desire, lust, want and love. We ended our kiss. I wrap my arms around you, and sang softly….

Jo noon ae bahn hahn daneun maleul mideoyo


Kaseumi maeil deutahn sul reh lim cheorom

Keuroke soomakh heeneun geuri uhn cheorom

( I believe that one can fall in love at first sight


Is a nervous feeling that flutters your heart...

It is like a breathtaking loneliness... )

Mideoyo-Tong Vfang Xien Qi

“Promise me. You’ll only cry in front of me. Don’t cry if I’m not there to comfort you.”

“I promise.”

That’s how we got together.


Something bought me back, from heaven to hell. Something namely ‘medical reports’. I’m sentenced death. Three months left before I got to leave this world, to leave you. And I can’t take you with me. Your live belongs to you.

I make a resolve, I will create tons of memories with you, I don’t have time to mourn, let me cherish the time I have.

I bought us a camera and a video recorder to catch every memorable event. We spend most of our time snapping crazy pictures and taping funny moments.

I feel home, right now, and right here beside you. I can’t ask for more. This is the real Heaven.

My time is running out, you start to suspect that something is wrong with me. What should I do? How am I supposed to tell you? You won’t leave me, won’t forget me, will live with pieces of memory about me, will reminisce me in your every step. I don’t want that.

I love you more than anything. I wish you can be happy. I wish you can move on with another person that isn’t me. And to make you leave me, hate me, and forget me. I’ve got no other choice but to break my promise.

“Junnie, can you meet me at the library today, Baby? I’ve got something important to tell you. Around 13 P.M.?”

“Hm? Okay, Chunnie! Make sure you won’t be late like last time! Meet you there, Honey!” I can imagine you flashing a big smile. For once, I hate myself to be the one that’ll take away the smile. Your smile.

Cheo-eumcheoreom isseoyo geugose aju jamshiman

Gi-eok geudaero

( From the beginning, Standing at that spot for just a moment

The memory as it is )

Remember-Tong Vfang Xien Qi

I heard your phone rings, the tone that’s reserved for me. You immediately pick it up.

“Hi, Baby! You’re late! Where are you? I missed you. Come here quickly?” Your cheerful voice greets me.

I saw you smiles from my hiding place. “JunSu…. Let’s break up.”

“Huh? What? Can you repeat it, please? I think I hear you said you want to break up with me.” Mixed expression on your face, confuse and hurt.

I swallowed the lump in my throat to repeat the hurtful sentence again. I’m close to tears, seeing your lost face. “….Let’s break up….”

“Oh. So I did hear that you want to break up with me. May I know why?” Your calm attitude appears, in charge of hiding how you feel inside.

Holding back the tears, I managed to come up with a lie. “I fall for someone else. I’m sorry, JunSu.  ……Will you be alright with that?” I thanked myself for the expressionless tone.

“It’s okay! It’s not your fault you fall for someone else! I’ll be fine by myself. I’m a man after all” Cherry tone. Your cherry voice which I’ve grown to love.

Guilt and regret began to build up in my chest as I saw you remain indifferent, put on a mask, a poker face that you’ve mastered. “That’s all I can say. I’ve got to go. He’s waiting for me.” My tears rolled down, I realize this is the last time I’ll speak to you. I want to take my words back. But this is the best I can do for you. So you’ll keep living on your own, searching for another happiness to cherish. And you’ll forget us, our timeless love.

“Alright! I guess we should hang up now. We can’t make your date waits too long, can’t we? This is it! Bubye!” You’re still in happy-go-lucky stance, when I have lost control of my tears, they keep streaming down. You reached up for a book and began to stare at it pages, concealing the fact that your mind is somewhere else.

You amazed me, you’re stronger than what I had thought. You didn’t cry. You keep your promise.

I’m helpless, but I hope the wind will carry these words to you, “Sorry, I love you.”


A week. A week I spent living in a hell where you’re not by my side. And all the sleepless night because I keep thinking what I’ve done wrong. What have driven you away from me? Then the letter come, and the real hell begun. The letter is simple, black ink on white surface. Simple words, stating clear fact.

To: Kim JunSu

Dear Junnie,

If this letter had gotten into your hand, it means I’m no longer in this world. I’m sorry if my writing is messy, I can barely hold a pen right now, and my hands won’t cooperate with my brains. There is not much I can say.

Let me apologizes. I’m really sorry I broke my promise, I never meant to hurt you. But please, don’t ever think that you’re not loved. I was in love with you, I’m in love with you and I’ll always love you. Keep that in your mind.

I’ll make another promise to you, one that I’ll fulfill no matter what. I’ll make it up for you in our next life time, even if you won’t be in love with me anymore, I’ll win your heart again. Just wait ‘till I born again, I’ll search and found you. This time I’ll never let you go.

Yours always,

Park YooChun

I am an idiot, I should have known you won’t leave me unless it’s not preventable. I’ve been wondering where you might be, how you’ll be. And now I’ve found you, you’re here, lying peacefully in the coffin, beautiful as always, pure like new born baby in the middle of white roses. I would think that you’re sleeping if not for the fact your skin is icy cold.

“Idiot.” Tears building on my eyes. “Why you tell me lies? Why did you drive me away? If I had known you’ll be like this I won’t…” My voice trailed off as I realize. This is what you’ve been afraid of, that I’ll never be able to let go if I’m with you. And I regret my choice. If only I insisted to be with you, you won’t die alone. I should have been there on your last minute. I should have been there to take care of you. But now you’re gone. Nothing could bring you back to me. Nothing.

“I’m right in front of you. I’m allowed to cry, right? Anybody else had gone home. No one is here.  Just me and you." Droplets of tears fall down on you.

It takes me hours to calm down. And now I’m exhausted. But I don’t want to go home. Let me stay here a moment, beside you.

I let my hands fall on your face. Tracing your forehead, eyebrow, eyelids, eyelashes, cheek bones, nose, lips, and chin. Then move it down, to your neck, Adam’s apple, collar bones, and the junction between your neck and shoulder. Then I took your hand, tracing the lines in your palm before I clasp it with mine. I kiss your tips of your fingers, your knuckle, and the back of your hand.

I try to remember how you look like, how you feel like, so I’ll see you every time I close my eyes. I won’t forget you. You’re the one who own my heart, my mind, my soul, my body, my will, my desire, my want, my need and my love. And you’re not allowed to return all of it back to me. Keep them save with you. I keep your hand in mine as I stare to your face and kiss you good-bye. “I don’t want you to wait too long for me. I’ve decided, I’ll meet you soon, love.”

Morning comes, Park YooChun’s parents found their son body laying beautifully with his lover in bed of crimson roses, red by the blood dripping from Kim JunSu. Right there and then, they hear music spreads out of nowhere, singing farewell to them.

Setsunai hodo utsukushii ai dakara

Hakanai hodo uruwa shii kono toki wo

( Because it is a beautiful love as it is sad

This beautiful time as it is ephemeral )

Love in the Ice-Tong Vfang Xien Qi

___THE END___

A/N: Those numbers are my favorite ones. The story is to explain the meanings behind it. How was it? I hope its good enough for you. I’m sorry if my errors are too many. And please forgive me, I can’t let JunSu live in sorrow without YooChun. Comment, please? ^^

yoosu, one-shotz

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