Recs: Thor - Loki Gen

Dec 07, 2011 07:57

LOKI [GEN: reaaaaaaally gen!]

5x Loki Had An Adventure, 1 He Stayed Home (anon). "Ha!" Loki whooped, smirking triumphantly at Sif. "Point to me!"

She growled at him, wiping a trickle of blood from the small cut on her arm.

"First blood," Fandral confirmed from the side, grinning. The grin slid from his face when Sif transferred her glare to him, and he turned away to feign a cough. Beside him, Volstagg let out a hearty laugh.

Midgard on Halloween (anon). "Loki always made a point to spend the Eve of All Hallows on Midgard. It was the sort of festival he could enjoy; on that night the mortals celebrated sorcery and indulged mischief and even dabbled in trickery, and, for himself, he wouldn’t pass up the candy option now and then either. And it was a night that it didn’t really matter what form he wore-the more outrageous, the better."
Tags: Hallowee. Squint to see preslash Thor/Loki. Crack humor critique on costumes.

LOKI [GEN: His Own Children]
Loki learns about Birth Control! (korilian)

Infantcide (multifills). "Thor and Co break into Loki's lair after a suspiciously long absence.
They find him with a crazed look in his eyes and the newborn baby that
he smothered with his own hands, because he decided a quick death would
be a kinder faith than whatever Asgard might have in store for it.

Takes place after all the times Odin and co have fucked over his kids."
Tags: heartbreak shit, leaves you crying buckets. Bring tissues. Loki's children. Angst

My Innermost Self (moonrose91). "Brainwashing doesn't wo..." she began to explain when the screen flickered to life to a sight Lady Loki thought she would never see.
Herself, at a sweet little age, the start of green showing up in her outfit. "No," she breathed, realizing what it was she was hooked up to.

She remembered this too. This proof she had given to a madman. She thought S.H.I.E.L.D....

Her thoughts were cut off as a memory began to play on the screen."
Tags: Loki's children. Steve/Lady!Loki (for half of the fic). Angst! Complete.
Favourite Uncle Thor (multifills+anon). "The first years were more difficult with Hel. Thor was loathe to admit that his first reaction to her was much the same as his father’s, as most of Asgard’s. Loki’s strange, piebald little girl who never cried but croaked and sighed and breathed out little sounds like the last gasps of dying men. It unnerved Thor so much he could hardly stand to be in the same room, watching Loki and sometimes Frigg rocking a tiny white-black corpse."
Tags: Loki's children. Thor's p.o.v. Angsty Fluff. Multi!fills.

Toddlers and Tiara (anon). "It was an Alexander McQueen, a gorgeously embroidered dress cascading with real flowers and tiny ceramic butterflies coupled with heels entirely made of silk ribbons. Hel had screamed, clutched it in her tiny hands and had proceeded to run up and down Loki’s penthouse like a little Tasmanian devil."
Tags: Loki's children. Crack Humor. Oneshot.

God-dad!Tony (alphera). "Honestly, Thor should know better than to introduce Tony Stark to impressionable young (in this case, manipulative young. But still. Tony Stark. And children. Who’s stupid enough to let those two elements meet?). 
Unsurprisingly, it is not Thor but Loki that wants to zap Tony when he first shows up in the Holmes’ doorstep." (If enjoyed, you should also read the back story of Mummy!Loki).
Tags: Loki's children. Crossover - Sherlock BBC. 'Mummy'. Tony Stark. Oneshot.

Loki is a M.I.L.F. (kofgomugomuland). "Phil Coulson was eight years old when he was officially ‘given the mantle’ of protecting their mother.

“Phil,” His older half-brother, Fenrir, called out to him while packing his fifth suitcase for his trip to Europe. He and his boyfriend, Tyr, were supposed to be backpacking and living on the edge. Unfortunately, no one told Tyr that high-maintenance ran in the family. “There’s something you need to know while I am gone.”

“What is it?” Coulson replied nonchalantly. He proceeded to secretly remove any articles of unnecessary clothing that were not needed.

“Mom’s a whore.”
Tags: Coluson is an over protective son (who is rightly justified as his mom is a super hot MILF). Crack Humor. WIP.

LOKI [GEN: Loki with others' children or as a Kid]

Kid!Loki oneshots (chinae). MUST READ! Besides the cute factor, the dialogue and plot is well done for short story.

Steve Rogers and the Little Giant Frost (mwildsides). “...Let me get this straight, our meanest, probably smartest enemy a kid....and he’s staying....with us..."
Tag: G. Post!ragn. Cute puppy crush. Steve, Tony, Thor. Complete.

Goodbye, My Coney Island Baby (coneycat_fic). "There was a boiling glow, and when it faded Tony saw...

...a towheaded little boy, about six years old, standing in the middle of the battleground, looking bewildered and terrified. There was no sign of Steve. Tony was forced to reach the conclusion the little boy was Steve.

Facing him, looking down thoughtfully, a tall and terrible figure in his horned helmet, was Loki."
Tags: G. GEN. AwWW! Cute kid loving loki. Kid!Cap. Oneshot. Steve, Tony.

Casualties of War (marble_aide). “You took them?” Loki said, his voice was even and calm, almost too quiet for comfort. His fist curled by his side.

Baron was still smiling, unaware of Loki’s knew demeanor. “Of course. Do you truly think Stark would have simply given them to me?”

Loki made no move. He just stood there, staring down at the girl with her bruising face and reddened eyes. He brother cried silently.
Tags: G. GEN. Tony Stark's kids just found the best fariy god mother in all the universes and dimensions. Oneshot. Tony.

LOKI [GEN: Pregnant w/o Magic Powers]
Deliver Me From Evil (anon). "“No,” Thor said, and Loki had already begun to form the words of his reply before it actually sank in.

“No?” Loki echoed the word, unable to believe he’d heard correctly.”
Tags: MPreg. Hard love. Broken family. Anstish. Steve, Clint, Tony. WIP

Gifts (untitled) ( "This is your son. His name is Aric, Loki tells the soldier with his eyes, willing him to understand, for Loki's mouth has been sewn shut and he hasn't spoken aloud in years. But the soldier doesn't notice, and the tag on the infant's wrist only reads 'Subject 3'. Loki weeps bitter tears of sorrow for his stolen child, and tears of shame that anyone should see him so debased."

How to Tell Loki is Pregnant (anon). "Again, little brother? You are a woman again. One that looks like yourself." Thor was mouthing words and yeah he seemed not to realize that he was talking to a woman. Not his brother. "Who was it this time? If it was that vile Doom character, tell me and I will crush his genitals into pulp." Tony blinked and looked at Thor. While he was all for a crushed Doom, that seemed a little harsh. 
Tags: MPreg. Genderbending, Lady!Loki. Thor, Tony. Complete. HAVEN'T READ YET.

rec list, thor, loki, recs

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