Short Message to My Expat Friends

Mar 17, 2018 14:14

A friend of mine just moved from her native country to the USA to study. She told me that despite being excited for her new life, she also feels miserable because she feels like her old friends are forgetting her.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Moving abroad can be extremely rough, especially when you’re actually leaving your native country, as in not knowing when you would be able to go back home or if you would be going home at all.

I know how it sucks being so far away from your loved ones and struggling alone in a foreign country while your friends and families are probably having fun without you.

But look at the bright side! Here you are, making a new life, building new relationships, gaining new experiences!

Dear fellow expat friends, especially those who just moved and are having a rough transition, you’re going to be okay! You are very strong and very courageous, and I’m proud of you ♥

international student life, expatriate life

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