It's really foggy.

Jun 04, 2008 07:16

I'd forgotten how ginormous American supermarkets are, and the sheer number of choices for just... fruit juice or something, as well as just all the random stuff you can buy there. Holy crap. Also, was it always this smoggy in LA? (Yes.)

On the upside, I'm actually kind of enjoying being jet-lagged. I usually wake up at one or two in the afternoon, so it's kind of nice to see what morning looks like. Also, I think it's a legit excuse to be lazy. When I went from California to France time, it took about a week and a half to get over it. I'm thinking I can stretch this out for two weeks because, you know, post-Europe depression and all that.

I've decided to not do my graduation ceremony. The deadline to cancel my spot in the commencement has passed and I considered just sucking it up and getting on with it. But if I consider that much of an inconvenience versus a celebration, it's probably better to save myself the trouble. In other school news, I have to call someone to make sure that yes, I will in fact receive my degree after my grades arrive from France.

Instead, on Friday the 27th, my mom and I will be doing a full Wicked night which starts at 6 pm with a "Behind the Emerald Curtain" tour to see the back-stage stuff and then the show is at eight. It was a splurge but it's been over half a year since my mom and I had a chance to do something mother-daughter-y.

There's so much random stuff to take care of. All these little errands add up and I just want to curl up in a blanket and make faces at whoever tries to get me to be productive.


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