
Oct 18, 2011 22:43

Okay, so here's the story: for the last ten or so days I've been ill, and last Friday I felt an irresistible urge to draw something. It started with a Hakuren birthday pic (which I already linked here, but I'll show it once again ;) -, and then I came up with three more 07-Ghost fanarts - actually, these are all illustrations to my story "Blue" (which I also uploaded here a while ago). The story is anything but light-hearted, and so the drawings are rather gloomy as well (except the last one perhaps). (Just thought I should mention that as I don't want to ruin anyone's mood ;)).

Here they are:

Defiant by ~Stokrotka-z-Dolin on deviantART

On the Verge of Doubt by ~Stokrotka-z-Dolin on deviantART

May God Be With You, Cousin by ~Stokrotka-z-Dolin on deviantART

mc - shuuri, graphics - fanart, mc - hakuren, mc - ayanami

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