This year Anthony and I went as Popeye and Oilve Oyl. The costumes were super budget, but with lots of imagination, felt, a glue gun, and lots of paint, I think they came out great! I only spent about 40 dollars all together. My wig and Anthony's scrub pants being what cost the most (stupid shipping!)Any whoo I'm really proud of them.
Anthony also carved his first pumpkin ever. Oh and I guess I should mention we celebrated out one year anniversary on Halloween! Yay! We had a lovely night! We went to a Halloween party with friends. Anthony kept getting cornered by a hot blond Czech with a bottle of bourbon, who loved grabbing his fake forearms. It was hilarious!
Amy and Dalan, as a PB & J
Paige the Bear
At the pumpkin patch. With a suggestive gourd.
Spillin' the guts!
I love Anthony's Frankenstein!