While you will be able to get home food and maybe a better studying atmosphere and be closer to certain people (ahem..haha), getting away from the convenience of living on rez will hard. The extra hours of commuting will be hard to adapt to. I mean, yeah you know so many people that commute, but you have to see how it works for your own situation. If you spend late nights in labs and shit, you don't want to have to worry about taking the subway home really late. And, remember, you do have early classes usually, so that involves early early mornings. But, the comfort of living at home is priceless. Eveything is there. You will waste less time doing the administrative stuff. But you don't want it hampering how late you want to stay to work on that lab or project. So, I have prolly done nothing but confuse you more. I guess I should give you an answer. By a very small margin, the winner is living on rez. But in either case, there'll be big things you are losing. So don't feel like you will be able to reach a point when you can definitively choose one cuz you won't. Anyway, best of luck. Msg me if you want any more advice.
While you will be able to get home food and maybe a better studying atmosphere and be closer to certain people (ahem..haha), getting away from the convenience of living on rez will hard. The extra hours of commuting will be hard to adapt to. I mean, yeah you know so many people that commute, but you have to see how it works for your own situation. If you spend late nights in labs and shit, you don't want to have to worry about taking the subway home really late. And, remember, you do have early classes usually, so that involves early early mornings. But, the comfort of living at home is priceless. Eveything is there. You will waste less time doing the administrative stuff. But you don't want it hampering how late you want to stay to work on that lab or project. So, I have prolly done nothing but confuse you more. I guess I should give you an answer. By a very small margin, the winner is living on rez. But in either case, there'll be big things you are losing. So don't feel like you will be able to reach a point when you can definitively choose one cuz you won't. Anyway, best of luck. Msg me if you want any more advice.
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