Oct 13, 2004 11:13
I am oh so very tired today. I was supposed to do my World Cultures group presentation today, and there was a bunch of shit involved with that. Kit and I had everything, but Rina decided to dick around and not get together, and then she left for the weekend, so she had NOTHING. Basically I worked my butt off quite a bit lately for this project, doing a powerpoint and such. Kit and I were prepared today, but since Rina didn't have anything on her, we got bumped to next week to do our presentation. Kind of good since it could be better. Kind of bad because this could have been done and over with today. Meh..... i've decided to not care too much about it... i'll add whatever i need to the powerpoint, but that's it.
I have a presentation on monday for Destinations. 3 provinces. It's another group presentation. I'm not looking forward to it. We haven't talked about it yet, well we figured out who was going to do what.. but still. Urg. Too much lately. WAY too much. That's school though, pretty damn shitty. haha.
My brain is going mushy right now. I'm so tired I'm dizzy right now. I think everything is just catching up with me. Well it has been for a while now slowly.
No good news when it comes to my grandma. I guess she's worse than ever now. The cancer has spread to every part of her body. I feel bad for her friend Stewart. I guess my mom was talking to him on the phone today, and he wanted to know what was going on with her. My mom didn't go into the details about how she only has a few weeks left, if that really.. but he figured it out i'm sure. He was sobbing on the phone telling her she is his life, and he won't know what to do without her. Poor guy.
Yesterday my mom and sister were going through some of my grandma's stuff. They found out letters that i wrote to her when i was a kid. I NEVER thought in a million years she would keep anything like that. She's never really been all that expressive when it comes to how she feels about people. I can't remember her ever hugging me, or telling me that she loves me. Nothing like that. That just really surprised me. Then it made me really sad because i've missed, and she's missed out all these years. A shame really. I didn't let it get to me too much though, at least I tried not to. I think I managed to though because I was stressing out a whole lot last night when I was typing up stuff on my powerpoint. Much more than what i normally would have.
That's the problem with me lately...... I'm getting rather... bitchy, to say the least. I can't help it. I try not to be.. but the smallest things really bother me, and I find myself either stressing out, or blowing up. It's not fair to the people around me. Well, mainly Albric, because he's the one I spend most of my time with. He doesn't deserve it. Hopefully he'll continue to have patience with me... although I'm afraid that patience will run out. I was just always crying before when I would get upset about the stuff that's been going on lately... now I'm moody. It really sucks. Maybe i should just keep myself away from people so they don't get offended by my behaviour? I don't know......
I have the house to myself yet again. My mom has been gone an awful lot lately.. cleaning up my grandma's place since she won't be living there anymore. It's strange being alone in my house so much now... I'm not used to it. It doesn't really bother me, because I don't really spend that much time with my family anyways, but it does feel odd.
OOOOOhhhhh my grandma has 2 cats, but since she's not living at home anymore, my mom has to find places for them. Myrle, this lady next door to my grandma is taking the one, and my mom said we might take the other one. That would be 3 cats. Wow..... can you imagine? 3 cats AND a dog. I'm trying to convince her to bring it here. I would feel bad if that cat got put to sleep because no one would want it because it's like 15 years old. It's name is Pepper. Hmmm... I used to have a bird named Pepper. Lol.
I'm off now to get some much needed sleep.