just a word about my personal spoiler policy which is the one that will also be in effect on
A spoiler is not a spoiler if it has been released by the BBC. That is it in one sentence so that will be promotional images, trailers or anything said in interviews by the makers of the programme. Of course this rule can be blurred for example when the radio times showed us dalek sec...its common sense in those instances. Also stills from the episodes could be spoilerific. I am a spoiler hound but i like to think i give adequate warning.
Honestly i respect that people really don't want to know but realistically stuff like trailer caps will be everywhere on the net and TV. They will be inescapable.
As for episode spoilers post- UK transmission on my personal LJ everything will be cut for spoilers up to 3 days after transmission. That is when i expect most people to have seen the episode (if you don't know where to you know *cough* then pm me and i will direct) . As for the comm that is another story and most likely will be limited to 3 days after US transmission.
All this is debatable on my f-list if people have issues i need to work around so people stay unspoilered going into watching the episode. Which is why i'm opening the discussion here before i post these rules to the comm, i need a litmus test. If no one comments i'll assume its all good :D
its almost here! SQUEE!!!