doctor and rose- A view of The girl in the fireplace

Apr 30, 2007 22:45

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04nbod May 12 2007, 08:50:06 UTC
i have many problems with this episode outside the doctor/rose relationship as well for example rienette's character. She uses sex to get her to the top of the social ladder and even during the episode when hearing about the king's mistress being close to death she is sarcastic and laughs- a woman is dying! After that i had no sympathy for her whatsoever and felt compelled to giggle when she kicked the bucket.

I think people take the relationship angle to far, what would we think if there was no romantic relationship with the companion, if it had been martha or peri? We still wouldn't stand for it, its decency. Would he send them off to hunt these homicidal monsters while he goes and parties? i wouldn't have minded him sending them on their way if he was doing something important but he wasn't. He was dancing. Why not go and help his companions? And we all saw the consequences. He came in acting like a pillock, not taking it seriously.
I think a big complaint is that Rose did nothing- she just took it. I would have slapped him so hard. Lets not even get into abandoning them on a spaceship and the possibility of the emergency protocol.

Mickey. Well look at series one, mickey is Rose's boyfriend. What is a girl to do? She has the doctor who is in love with her but he's never going to make a move and her boyfriend. Its a difficult situation. Mickey gives Rose the relationship the doctor can't. Its unfair on Mickey because he can see she's in love with this other guy but I can fully understand Rose wanting to keep him. I think a better bone of contention is jack. I never minded jack making a move because a) he conceded defeat b) it was never that serious anyway c) the doctor stood up for himself. None of these were present in the girl in the fireplace.

I like to think that the doctor was able to get close to rienette(mainly because she invaded his mind) in a way he couldn't get close to a lot of people. He has a problem sharing his life story/problems verbally but her strolling in and taking a look around took away the need for him to do so. I feel he lost someone he could talk to.

As for it being shippier after TGITF it is but I think thats more down to different writer's different perspectives. i don't think moffat was on the same page as RTD but his contract says RTD can't interfere with his scripts. The episode in continuity makes no sense and makes the doctor look like an inconsiderate arse. Even little things like shouting at mickey and just being mean to rose as he's trying to find a way through the time window. Even looking at the next episode when rose and the doctor are all coupley in the pre credits sequence, doesn't seem to miss rienette that much then!


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