Buffy Season 8 compare and contrast

Jul 14, 2008 11:43

I've moaned heavily about Season 8's art. the script is great but Jeanty is just a bad artist.
Compare X Men to a page from Buffy

the difference is staggering. Its not just in realism but clarity. Jeanty's facial expressions blend into one another on distant drawings. The characters don't look like the actors that much. When I read it I can only put Xander with his TV counterpart because Buffy and Willow are just generic. I think Xander stands out because the writing is so specifically Xander and the fact he's not just another female face in the slayer army like all the other characters.

However There are nice touches

yep, the non-ginger one is Kennedy and by god she's bitchier than ever in this comic. Buffy is going through a lesbian experimentation faze and kennedy says to her that she thought Buffy was a homophobe and that she should keep her hands off Willow. Overkill or what?

Anyway the outfit buffy wears in that panel?

A nice little callback even if the style is very 90's!

lastly- the Women of X Men!

still better than Jeanty!

Few things
-YAY emma is wearing clothes
-BOOO!!! Storm isn't and looks like a dominatrix!
- shouldn't Kitty be falling though the floor?
- Betsy, dazzler and Rogue all look classy and dressed!
- Jean is remembered...awww....she won't be dead for long...

buffy the vampire slayer, x men

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