So I'm going to a club tonight. I feel like such a new-b. lol
Been doing for God knows how long, and now. The first time since September kids... Since September. That's a LOOOOONG time.
It's going to be CRAZY hard...But I asked for a temptation to test my strength. I can do it. I promised. Red Bull.Water.Smiles & STYLE. My night will be fabulous. No doubt.
I won't be there long just to make sure I'm EXTRA good. :o)
I've been good this far, can't ruin it. I have Soul Group on Sunday... I'm so excited!!!
I'm baking brownies for them. HOT- I tell you. HOT! The prettiest,sweetest & most loving girls are in our bunch.
(Missing about 8 of them in this pic.)
I'm so excited... It's kinda sick I tell you, but it's a good kinda "sick". LMAO