Jan 15, 2008 14:12
sometimes a person will tell me something very helpful that I will say to myself often. One of these helpful comments was posted by Usha93 where she described how she lived with the uncertainty, it was like a game of volley ball. usha93 made an incredibly profound comment, then Penny-Ann followed with an exclamation remark.
Usha93, said that in a weird way she lived with the uncertainty, by converting it to certainty. Tommorrow WOULD be worse than today, so she would use everything she had today, without regretting that she didn't use what she had, when she had it. Penny-Ann agreed emphatically & added "Carpe de Momento" as an exclamation. Sieze the moment.
So anyway, I was making plans for the future...which really doesn't allow a person to live in the moment. I was talking to someone who emphatically stated that a person always has to be positiive or they will make an unoptomisic future happen. He's male with MS for 40 year's. 65 year old males are tough to talk to sometimes, they are absolutely positive they are right, they know everything right...they are truly frustrating! FYI, they are often republican's too. *just an observation* ( We had a huge disagreement about WWII, and how the US had become involved. Despite, my having recently taken 2 college history courses, that required I memotize the time line.. I was wrong because he was a child during that time and was at least living it...so he knew the facts. Finally we did a search to wikopedia, and found his fact's were wrong, my facts were right. What can I attribute it to? small mindness?, male?, age?,,,it's frustrating *urghhhhhh*)
He did say something useful, today. As he emphatically told me, planning for a future with disability was just gonna cause it to happen. He said this was much different than planning for a comfortable future. Planning for a comfortable future is apparantly not negative thinking., and doesn't cause the negative future to happen. So I'm constructing a series of postive thoughts.. This thought helped me as I planned for home modifications in & for the future. They just ensure I have a comfortable life, that's all! It doesn't predict anything, just a more comfortable life than if I hadn't done it.
My series of helpful comment....
Tomorow wll be worse than today so Carpe de Momento
And plan for a comfortable future.