Aug 28, 2007 09:40
"and now we know" was the phrase of our new york adventure. never again will i book a hotel in new jersey, it was not pretty. haha the only pretty thing in jersey city was jon's sweet expensive apartment, which ended up only being about a 2 min walk away from our hotel.
neil - so sorry we couldn't work out a time for us to get together. the group i was with --- yeah - lol. next time
new yorkers are super friendly - as long as you don't get in their way! had fun long conversations with random people on the train/subway/bar when i didn't want to talk to the other girls i was with. lol.
new yorkers don't know what vietnamese people look like. every where we went we got asked "filipino? chinese? korean? cambodian? no, not japanese, right? ... um... laos? from thailand? .... humm what else is there?" - my reply "seriously?" lol.
got back on sunday, didn't sleep at all the night before because we had to be at the airport by 4:40 am, so we got back in houston around 10, spent some time with my cousins who were visiting from california and then crashed around 7pm and didn't wake up until 8 on monday. so i decided to skip my classes on monday and thank goodness i have no classes on tuesday, so in a little bit i'm packing my things and heading back to dallas to begin another semester of school. not sure if i'm ready to leave home yet though, i wish i could be here to help out more. but we'll see - maybe i'll just keep travelling back and forth. four hours isn't that far. i guess.
still tired. don't wanna drive.
oh and youtube 1 litre of tears - sad sad japanese drama, but very beautiful. :) i cried all day watching that thing.