This is Pepper.
Pepper was thrown off of a bridge by some piece of shit kids. You can hear the poor baby whimpering at the bottom of the bridge. It's absolutely heartbreaking.
Pepper received multiple fractures and internal injuries and was expected to live. Unfortunately, he passed way.
Information about Pepper and "the video" of the kids throwing Pepper off of the bridge More information about Pepper The guy who did it got 8 months in jail. I'm sure he won't be in there the full sentence. But what about the people who were filming it and witnessed it? All of them deserve to be thrown off of a bridge as well.
I shouldn't have watched the video because it just makes me angry. The poor pain Pepper was in, because piece of shit kids wanted to be funny. But thankfully they did film it, so that they can get what they have coming to them. Poor Pepper. :(