601. Do you have a lust for life? Yep.
602. How could you get more out of life? Repeating questions!
603. Would you want to learn to:
convert to Buddhism? No.
cure a hangover? No.
lie persuasively? I can if I put my mind to it and control my laughter.
604. What character from saved by the bell is most like you? Never seen the show.
605. More crumpets, Mr bear? Uh okay?
606. What's on your calendar for this weekend? Going to the movies with my pals.
607. What do you hate that everyone else seems to like? Hmm.
608. What do you like that others seems to hate? Eating ice.
609. A great party to you is.. - One with my friends there?
610. Is time more like a highway or a meadow and why? A highway, it moves fast and doesn't stop.
611. What movie sequels do you like? Sequels are always bleh.
612. which would you choose to be back in the day: a warrior, an alchemist, a minstrel, a bard, an oracle, a peasant, a merchant? Alchemist.
613. Was that last question on here already? Nope.
614. What will you never run out of? Sarcastic remarks.
615. Can you make someone love you? No.
if you could would you? No.
616. Are you as sleepy as I am right now? No.. I'm TIRED, but not sleepy.
617. What's the coolest music video ever? Placebo - Pure Morning.
618. Is everyday silent and gray like Sunday? Nope.
619. Are the sisters of mercy really sisters? No.
620. What's the name of that song by the smiths that goes 'there is a light and it never goes out'? I think it's called "There is a Light that Never Goes Out"..?
621. Is tonight the night? For?
622. Kick out the gloom
Kick out the blues
Tear out the pages with all the bad news
Pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
Tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
Oh just burn down the house!
Burn down the street!
Turn everything red and the beat is complete
With the sound of your world
Going up in the fire
It's a perfect day to throw back your head
And kiss it all goodbye!
It's a perfect day for dreams come true
For thinking big
And doing anything you want to do
Let's get happy!
Got it? Heh this is the second time in this survey that the Cure lyrics have appeared.
623. What do you think people are most ignorant towards? People different them theirselves.
624. What is it that makes you an interesting person? I'm not interesting, hah.
625. What makes other people interesting to you? People who are intelligent/think for themselves.
626. What qualities would you most like to have ina friend? The answer to the questions above PLUS a good sense of humor.
627. Is michael jackson black or white? Black.
628. Are you lonely? No.
629. What's going on? Nothing.
630. Have you ever threatened to set a teacher's tie on fire? No.
631. What sense would you lose if you had to give up one of the 5? Taste.
632. How imaginative are you? Ehh I am sometimes.
633. Sheryl Crow..deluxe or sucks? Sucks.
634. If you took this survey did you tell me so I could read it? No.
635. Are you tense or laid back? It depends.
636. Does your happiness depend on someone else and if yes is that good or bad? SOMETIMES it does, and that's a bad thing.
637. Did I ask that already? Nope.
638. What exactly is a lobstertrician? A lobster doctor?
639. Are you diplomatic? Hmm not really.
640. Does vanilla coke suck? Yesssss.
641. Do you remember crystal pepsi? Yeah, that was nasty as well.
642. What is the most important manner to have? Uh saying thank you.
643. Cypres Hill or Insane Clown Posse? I've never heard Cypress Hill, but I'm going to go with them.
644. Do you ever watch the spanish channel? Not since I got out of school.
645. Are you a born loser/winner? No.
646. Are your pets psychic? No.
647. What are three things you HAVE NOT done that might surrprise people? Never seen snow/never been on a plane/never broken a bone or been seriously sick.
648. Have you ever had a secret admirer? No.
649. Have you been to a mueseaum this year? What one? Did you like it? Yes, the Salvador Dali museum, I LOVED IT.
650. What is it about porn? Why don't people just get someone real? Getting someone real is too hard and it causes worries and shit.
651. Do you think that people should serve in the army, navy or airforce for four years (at least) before they are allowed to vote (to make them take voting more seriously)? No.
652. If you had to do that to vote, would you? Nope.
Would you pick to join the army, nave or airforce? None.
653. Do people often give you wierd looks? Sometimes.
Why do you think that is? I never know why, but then I realize "OH YEAH, I have two rings through my lip." It's weird that a lot of people aren't used to it heh.
654. If they do give you weird looks is it because they think you look so freaky that you scare them or because they think you look like a poser (hint: if the person givin you the weird look is between 25 and 35 they probably think you're a poser because back in the day they did much freakier things)? I'M A POSER.
655. Do you care for stray animals? I would if I lived by myself.
656. Do you try to make something of yourself? Yes.
what? Someone important.
657. Are you ambidextrous(equally good at using both hands)? Nope, just right handed.
658. What do you say after someone sneezes? Bless you if I'm feeling nice.
659. If you could go away for two days over halloween (roadtrip with friends!!) where would you go? Uh I don't know. That was a little random.
660. Why is my cat meowing? Feed him.
661. Are you a guy or a girl? Girl.
How do you feel about the male dominated society that we live in? It sucks but what the hell can you do.
662. Did you know that we sit in rows in school because boys learn better that way (girls learn better in a circle..but we don't sit in a circle)? That's odd..
How does that make you feel? HURT. HOW CAN I BE EXPECTED TO LEARN IN A ROW?!
663. What words offend you? CRACKA. No.
664. Can't you get over it? they're just words! Yeah I can.
665. Which animated movies have you seen and what did you think of them:
a charlie brown christmas - Seen it, liked it.
a garfield halloween - Seen it I think.
the secret of nimh - Never seen it.
the last unicorn - Never seen it.
watership down - UGH I had to read it as a freshman, so I watched it instead. It was horrible.
as the wind blows - Never seen it.
grave of the fireflies - Never seen it.
how the grinch stole christmas - Seen it millions of times, it's great.
Spirit (the horse movie) - Never seen it.
The Black Cauldron - Never seen it.
The original Lord of the Rings cartoons - Never seen it.
666. Are you a grouchkateer? No.
And does this number bother you? No.
667. Have you ever looked into different religionss? Yeah.
which ones? LOTS. Trying to find anything that sounds good. {Didn't find one.}
668. Have you ever read your own tarot cards? Nope.
669. Which is better the old star wars movies or the 2 new ones? I've only seen the old.
670. If you scream in outer space does it make a sound? Yeah?
671. Aren't one-word answers to survey questions boring? Nope. :)
How are people going to learn about you that way? I can gurantee no one is reading this.
672. What would be the perfect gift from your boy/girlfriend or crush? I don't need anything.
673. If you could take over someone's body for a day so that you could make them say and do anything and everyone would think it was them who would it be and what would you make them do? I'd find a random baby and become it.
674. Best kids birthday party: ceramics, chuck-e-cheese, roller rink, bowling, sleep over, movie theater: Sleep over!
675. What were your kid parties like? Funnn.
676. Best teen (about 15-16) birthday party: ceramics, chuck-e-cheese, roller rink, bowling, sleep over, movie theater, house party, catered in a hall, restraunt, family trip, concert sleep over, house party or concert: Umm concert sleep over!
677. What are/were your 15-16 year old parties like? Just whatevz.
678. Best 18th birthday party: ceramics, chuck-e-cheese, roller rink, bowling, sleep over, movie theater, house party, catered in a hall, restraunt, family trip, concert, club/pool hall, college party: UH STRIP CLUB? Or something else.
679. If you are 18 what was your party like? I didn't have one. Just went and got a tattoo.
680. Best 21st birthday party: ceramics, chuck-e-cheese, roller rink, bowling, sleep over, movie theater, house party, catered in a hall, restraunt, family trip, concert, club/pool hall, college party, bar, atlantic city/las vegas trip: Concert.
681. What's love but a second hand emotion? Geez.
682. What are your top 3 priorities? To always be happy, to keep people I love happy, and graduate from college. Heh.
683. Why a duck? Why a no chicken? Uh.
684. What is your favorite smell? Patchouli.
685. Give everything below a humor rating (1 = laugh your ass off, 2 = lol, 3 = smile, 4 = lame, 5 = not funny and offensive):
people falling - 1
rape jokes - 3
sarcastic comments - 1
blonde jokes - 4
dirty jokes - 1
god/religion jokes - 1
long-ass jokes - 2
death jokes - 1
pain/sickness jokes - 3
animals doing cute stuff - 4
bodily functions - 2
knock knock jokes - 4
ethnic jokes - either 1 or 5
pun on words jokes - 3
ironic situations - 1
685. Give this joke a rating (same as above):
Adam and Eve stood before God as he handed out gifts that they would pass on to men and woman. To men god gave streghnth, to woman intelligence, to men he gave logic, to woman intuition..This went on as he continued to empty his sack full of gifts until finally God said, "I have only 2 gifts left. One for each of you. The first is the ability to pee standing up. Who wants it?" "Me!" cried Adam!! "Me! Me!" And God said, "Eve are you okay with this?" Eve was cool as a cucumber. "He can have it" she said. "Okay" said God. "That means the last gift is for you, Eve. Let's see......all I have left is the ability to have multiple orgasms..." - 4
686. Do you think the above joke is sexist? If yes is it sexist against men or woman? Why? No.
687. What should someone never say to you/call you if they want to remain on your good side? Heh I don't care.
688. If you saw Trainspotting did you want to do drugs afterwards? YEAHH I've seen it and loved it, but no.. I didn't want to do drugs after.
If you saw cruel intentions did you want to have lots of meaningless sex afterwards? No, I wanted Sebastian's car though.
If you saw fight club did you want to get into a fistfight afterwards? No.
If you saw the craft did you want to become wiccan/pagan/magic user afterwards? HAHAHA no.
If you saw the vampire lestat did you want to be a vampire/goth afterwards? No.
If you saw slc punk did you want to be punk afterwards? Awwww no.
689. Do movies have a great influence on you? Obviously not.
690. What is more natural..wearing clothes or being naked? Wearing clothes.
691. Are there certain roles that woman play in society or can they basically do whatever they want? I would haaaaate to play the typical female 'role'.. So personally I'm going to do whatever I want.
692. Are there 'rules' in your neighborhood? What are they? Yeah. You can't leave Christmas lights up too long and crap.
693. What season do you wish it was all year round? FALL.
694. Have you ever pulled the wings off a fly, butterfly or any other insect? No, I used to cut open already dead things though.
Have you ever held a magnifying glass over an insect to burn it? No.
695. What would you think of a guy(if you're a girl) or a girl (if you're a guy) who wanted to take you on a date/hang out romantically thing to the park to feed the birds and look at the turtles and fish in the water? Hah, it'd either be like "wow it's a male version of me" or "yeah he wants to have sex and thinks I'll think this is cute and do it with him."
696. Is rubber ducky the one? Yeah, he makes bathtime lots of fun {I think that's the lyric.}
697. Do you use public:
pools? I have.
bathrooms? Yes.
showers? No.
698. When is the world going to end? When everyone gets out of control.
699. How old will you be in 17 years? 35.
Did you know that there is a meteor headed towards earth that will impact in 17 years? AWESOME!
700. If you could be famous for inventing one thing what would it be? Cure for AIDS.