May 04, 2007 16:13
1. New Car! it's a 1987 Honda Accord, 5 speed. and i have never driven stick before. so far i seem to be doing ok, but on every single trip i manage to stall out at a stoplight at least once. and the exhaust sounds like it's burning rice.
2. New Monitor! 19" widescreen LCD. nothing much else to say about that.
3. New Video Card!!!! GeForce 5600, or something... so i can use the aforementioned monitor at optimum settings.
4. New Camera! a Canon Rebel 2000. my older sister got a digital SLR, and handed-me-down this nice 8 year old 35mm. my last camera, the nikon fm2 i got off of ebay, developed a light leak. maybe i'll get it fixed and sell it someday.
5. Shock Mount for my Microphone! prevents thumps against the mic stand from being recorded, supposedly.
6. Bass Amp!!!!! i got a Peavey 400 series Bass head and a 2x15 cabinet downtown at Smashing Guitars the other day. they're still working on the head, it was old and needed to have a cable replaced. God Dammit, maybe i should call them about that. it's been like a week.