Jan 26, 2007 17:44
Another week has past. And already I have a test this coming Monday =\
As usual, my week has been busy busy busy + fun fun fun!~
On Tuesday, I had to take my grad photo, and I actually tried to dress up for it. My mom even tried to put makeup on me, but right after I looked at myself from the mirror, I got freaked out. I thought I looked like a ghost. Hahah, either I'm just not used to the whole makeup thing, or I just need to find a more natural looking style. Mom thinks she should take me to one of those makeup specialist and actually get them to make me look pretty. It's rather hard to imagine though...
Wednesday was a busy day, with a long day of class, and then out to Big Sushi with NEURO people! We were suppose to meet at Hubert's place around 6pm, and really, I should have arrived earlier so I could play the wii.... but instead we just chilled a bit at his place, and went out for food. It was a fun time there~ We were just laughing at random things (too random for me to even remember what the conversation was about). Then afterwards, went to CSA games night. It was really fun! Met some new people, and got to see some old people again =) I played one game, and it was heart attack. And stupid enough, I lost. So I had to drink this drink they mix - which consists of like coke, lemonade, pop corn, ketchup, fries, and probably some other stuffs I couldn't even pick out. Hahaha~ Let me tell you, the drink was pretty bad. But at least it didn't make me sick. Hahah~ It was fun though, at least when I watch other people when they have to drink it too =P
Thursday was pretty busy, running around to different places just to get stuffs done. Then of course, had to suffer through a very boring class (I don't even know why the class is so boring. The topic is interesting and all; so perhaps it's just the prof speaks too slow). Then I was all worry about TCCF program... because we weren't ready at all. Turns out, of course, when we work hard for God and leave the rest up to Him, things will turn out great. What we did was to bring out the point in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 - the one body, many parts. First we divide the people into different teams, and then each member of the team was some "flaws" - so something like one person can only use one hand (and can't see or talk or walk), and another person can only walk and see, and etc. Then we had each team compete to make sandwiches. Of course, it wasn't just any sandwiches, but they had to be in some specific combinations. So the people had to use the team players wisely to make these sandwiches. So turns out this activity was pretty fun (as one source tells me). But I think next time, we shoudn't do sandwiches, because I think we had to throw half of them away since no one would eat them. Nevertheless, I'm glad everything worked out (especially how I stayed up 2 nights working out the details.. hehe, good to know hard work pays off!)
Then today was pretty cool at work too, joked here and there, and finally got paid for the last 4 weeks of work. LOL~ Actually it's because I am always in such a hurry to go to class that I never remember to ask for my cheque. Hhahaha~ Then also found out my prof finished writing my referee report for HKU application! Classes were boring though, but meh~ I had a fun time with Ruth on the subway today chatting about many things, and it was really really really funny. And I know this is a little thing, but I actually caught my bus today, instead of having to wait for 20 min for the next one. So I was happy. Of course, my day was not perfect, as I got this when I came home:
Dear Miss Lai
I am sorry to tell you that you have not been successful in your application to Queen's Medical School....
AIYA! Oh well, actually I didn't feel that bad when I opened the letter. I think I sort of expected it. Queen's has such a high cut off for MCAT that I knew long ago I wouldn't make it. I am just mad because the GPA requirement is sooo low, like cGPA cut off is 3.68 only! Ah well. I did ask God to close the doors to what He doesn't want me to do - guess Queen's is not meant for me :P Hopefully the right door is being open to me soon =D
Oh~ Random though - my brother is listening to Never Had a Dream Come True - I just looooovvvveee that song so much! Hhahahahaah, it's a nice sweet song.