(no subject)

Dec 19, 2006 23:08

Fucking livejournal ate my entry.

I told mum. Everything.

My appointment is Janurary 4th with another social worker that works in the same place Kate does.

"SACE students in South Australia and Asia, and NTCE students in the Northern Territory, should receive their results in the post on 20 December 2006. Students can also access their results online from 8 a.m. (South Australian time) on the day, by logging in below."

*nerves start up*

I know it is only for psychology and it does not show my TER or anything, but still...

I'm going to do weekly arm, leg, waist and hip measurements.
I'm going to make myself be a bit more active in life for health and lifestyle reasons.
I'm going to eat healthy food, but not calorie count.

The cuts on my leg look like they are getting infected and are keeping me awake at night and in pain during the day. The scars will be a reminder of the positives of giving cutting up I guess.

What can be the worse thing that happens from infected cuts? *googles* hmm, syptoms show that it is getting infected...I'll see a doctor soon than...blah.

Yay for a stomach and leg infection...*dance of joy* What is next, an ear infection? Grr
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